This week’s Wood is super hot model and muscle god William Price. This hottie has worked with several photographers and has been part of NorthAmericanBodies quite a few times. It’s not hard to see why, with a body that screams dom muscle stud and a bulge to match this guy has got me all kinds of excited!
On a side note, am I the only one who thinks he’s even hotter when he doesn’t shave his body?
– Andy
For more picture follow the JUMP:
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Yep, definitely hotter unshaven, but It really doesn’t make a difference when you THAT hot, lol!
This guy has to be a option in next weeks top ten
I’ll vote for him in a heartbeat.
any way will do just fine, thanks.
He better be in The Ten next week. And yes, tell him to put down the razor.
A hunk of a man.
Unlike a recent photo series of a “contender” for Tommy Tucker, take a look at this guy’s legs.
His legs are big and muscular … not soft, flabby, and underdeveloped in comparison to his upper body.
This guy really is all kinds of hot.
I like the fur, but I’d take him either way!
DAMNNNN!…awesome hottie fucker…
He is hot.
Hottie than sweet hell… but a couple of those could REALLY have used a smile.
What ever way I can get him is the way I will take him !!!
I agree with Scott B…those legs are awesome…would love to have my face in between them or have them wrapped around my body…the rest of him is just as hott and sexxxy…I love a man with strong muscular legs.
Nobody’s complaining about his boring facial expression? LOL just saying
his boring facial expressions are saying look what you’re not getting, lol.
one hot dude,woof!
whoa! nice. amazing legs
Andy, Dewitt must be “Twink Coordinator” and you must look after the men. Well done – I’ll be on your team any day.
yeah, come one queens, find something wrong with this hot man to flame…I can’t find a problem…I’m sure there are some of you guys who can…I can’t even find any blantant evidence of photoshopping…good work Andy!
I like him better smooth
Now way is he better than Tommy Tucker.
I liked the first pic, but he looked fake after the jump for some reason. I don’t know. Not feeling him.
WOW… Now that is one hot fucker!!
Guys – there were some hot black models on here that were just as muscular (all over, including legs and bulge), better faces, better poses, and better expressions. And you guys blasted the hell out of them. Not saying anything or calling any names, just saying……
@hh: People like what they like. It doesn’t have to be rational or fair or bound by the Constitution.
I like cauliflower but not brussel sprouts. They are both in the exact same phylogenetic family. I still don’t like brussel sprouts.
Just sayin’.
Hubba hubba. I’m already voting for him!
DAMN hot. AND so much better unshaven. Trimmed fur drives me crazy!!
He’s “Brody George” at where he shows ALL–erect!
@robin88: THANK YOU for give me the name because I saw his naked pics. MY GOD, I want to suck that dick so bad.
At first glance, I thought this post said Prince William and I was intrigued. Bit of a let down. Lol. Also, HH makes a good point.
Is this a hint that, “Everyone has their Price” ?
I like some hair on a manly chest (I prefer smoooth backs) but this dude is hot eeeeeiiither way!!! Looks like he has quite the piece of meat too ;P
Andy, EVERY MAN is hotter when he doesn’t shave his body.