Each week we crown a Manhunt member as the “Manhunt Man of the Week!” We like to highlight guys with an interesting, fun or sexy profile and hot pics. Today we have a handsome young man who hasn’t hooked up on Manhunt yet! Egads. Hopefully selecting him as the MOTW will help him out with that! He doesn’t have THAT much to say but he’s young and we won’t lie – we fell in love with his angelic picture.
How does the Manhunt MOTW benefit from being featured on the Daily? His time in the spotlight will surely garner him international acclaim! As well as 30 days of Unlimited Membership for free!
– J. Harvey
To learn about this week’s MOTW, follow the JUMP:
Manhunt Man of the Week: cleverme
Age: 22
Location: Iowa
The hottest Manhunt hookup you ever had?
Haven’t actually had any yet…(J. Harvey sez: You let us handle that, guy.)
What’s your favorite body part on a guy?
His torso.. mmmmm
Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?
Hmmmm… (J. Harvey sez: cleverme apparently couldn’t choose one guy out of the gigantic number of sexy men in this world. So we’ll choose for him. Zac Efron. Zac Efron is really hot. Hotter than Taylor Lautner! You can fight me on that, cuz’ he is)
What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
The most unusual would be upstairs at a bar. (J. Harvey sez: Iowa gay bars are apparently the hotness.)
And finally, does size matter?
I like them big, don’t get me wrong. But thickness is better than too long.. and it’s all in how you use it.
If you would like to submit yourself as a Manhunt Man of the Week (meaning – you have hot pictures, and more than three words in your profile), e-mail us at motw@manhunt.net!
hahaha… that’s my friend billy.
you want thickness, boy?
well, let me introduce you to Ted Colunga…..