Last week was a dark time for the “Manhunt Man Of The Week” feature. I was flippant and described young8 as being “disabled” because one of his pics featured him with his arm in a sling. Shockingly, that didn’t go so well. Yes, I know the difference between injured and disabled. It was supposed to be a mockery of our shallowness. So that worked.
We also got quite a bit of shit for featuring a hot guy with very little to say on the Manhunt Questionnaire. This brings up a good point. A lot of our entries are sexy fuckers who phone it in when answering the questions. And yeah, I’ve been allowing it – cuz’ they’re hot. Pretty people have it easier in the world! This is Manhunt! We have to feature the hot guys! It’s just what we are! It’s a business. You are all beautiful in your own way, I assure you. It’s just that not everyone’s beauty meshes with what we need for the “Manhunt Man Of The Week!”
If we could post ALL of you in a beautiful rainbow graphic celebrating our diversity we would! But we can’t. We have bosses. Those bosses want us to show you exactly how traditionally smokingly fuckable our Manhunt members can be. BUT they need to be interesting, amusing, or thoughtful as well. Because no one likes to fuck a hot guy with nothing to say…(that’s sarcasm you smell). At least they were supposed to be, until I started using monosyllabic dudes because I wanted to blow them. *hangs head*
Insert “I digress” here. Point is – we’re going to revise the Manhunt Questionnaire. All of our future guys will be those who can get descriptive. “Manhunt Man Of The Week” will go dark (Broadway reference) until we get that up and running!
So, say hello to Dindaadaa. He’s our last MOTW for now. He’s also had bathroom sex. That’s a good one to end on.
– J. Harvey
To meet Dindaadaa, Follow the JUMP:
Name: Dindaadaa
Age: 44
Location: Rotterdam
1) What was the hottest Manhunt hookup you’ve experienced so far?
Not really a hook up, we met in a club by accident after chatting on MH one time. He wanted to suck me right there. I said come see me in about an hour cause i wanted to dance and flirt around a bit and so he did. In a corner, one hour later, he gave me a great bj.
2) What’s your favorite part on a guy?
Ass and cock.
3) Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?
Djimon Hounsou
4) What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
I had sex in many odd places but that one time in a busy bar was hot. I was fucking a guy in the bathroom as someone opened the door, looked shocked and said…uh,..sorry, and he closed the door again and we just went on fucking…lol
5) Does size matter?
Oh hell yeah!! I remember one time my bf and I picked up a hottie, went to our hotel and hit it off. What i started to suck was too small for me , but…It was hot, we fucked the shite out of him. The next morning i said to my bf” baby, next time i check dick before we take one home ok! ”
Oh hot middle age men <3
prick. old shallow gay man
agreed, very full of himself and looks much older than his 44 years
44 Manhunt years !
He’s hot, and not that “old” as the person above was saying, and I don’t see any cockiness or shallowness. Guess maybe I’m blind. LOL But just as likely is that you guys are VERY judgemental! Not just you but ALL of us gay guys, in our own ways! It bugs me quite a bit sometimes…
What in his answers make you think he’s a prick, shallow, and full of himself? He looks 44 years old, not a year older, and he’s hot… quit your bitching!
Don’t see the cockiness. Although, might be. Hard to determine through a few words on a sex column.
Definitely a hot daddy type. Love the scruff on the face.
Agreed. Total pompous ass. Not very hot, either.
yeah I like this old man. he’s so hot. His cum looks delicious. tasty cock
As soon as a guy says size matters, he is out. Get over yourself.
Sorry but 44 is not old, but I do agree with some of the other comments, arrogant and full of himself, but then isn’t that like most gay men??????????
I’m 49, and will be 50 this year SO WHAT!!?? I really don’t give a fuck about age, afterall it’s just a number and with that comes experience, interest and at least I have lived. Let the young be young, one day they will be old. Gay society is so hung up about age, looks etc, I don’t have a great body, I don’t have the looks of a cover model BUT I AM ME AND THAT’S ALL THAT COUNTS, SO FUCK THE REST!!!!!!!
The guy may be 44 years old. Caucasians age more rapidly than black or darker people. 44 is not old. Tim Daly the actor is 56 and he’s gorgeous.
you guys are pathetic..Pathetic size-queens..
so you can shove your hotness and your thick cock – cause you ain’t worth sh*t.
grow up a little…there’re MUCH more important and hotter things than the cock-size.
What i find extremely amusing is that most of the MOTW participants that says size matters don’t really have all that much going on in their pants…
nice balls…
not true…
I think we must be twins.. I’m turning 50 this fall and still a hot sexy man. I still have all ages and both sexes wanting sum of this. ..we ALL get old..
Shame I Dig Older Guys, However This Guy Lacks Substance and is Quite Shallow. I Guess This Proves Maturity Does not Come Hand In Hand With Age. Now Where Are My Sexy Mature Older Men ?
Handsome guy, gorgoeus cock, nice body.
What about this says “arrogant or shallow”? He’s not shouting off a mountain top that he’s hot and better than the world. The questions are about sex and bodies, they’re shallow questions and this is a sex site- again shallow.
Bitchy fucking queens.
Oh, yay at me (partially) inspiring change. I hate the short answers. There are endless posts of just hot pics on this site, Man of the Week/It Happened on MH should have something interesting to share.
Yes size matters… to him. Just his opinion. I credit him for being honest, probably knowing he’ll catch a lot of flack for saying so.
Just the way I like him: older, sexy, muscular, oversexed and with not much to say, Just fuck me, that’ s what you are on earth for.
i love him
I just turned 31 and it is like a retirement age for gay men…LOL. Very few of us will see our old ages and majority of us will just perish in the darkness (the life expectancy for the gay men is 20 years less than straight men) … So I applaud you for living life that long, I hope I will live to see my fifties.
Right here!
He is certainly a sexy dude to pause with. I look forward to the revised “MHMOTW”. Change is good.
I dig the fact he’s into black guys…thats VERY rare with the men on manhunt
LOL… so true! I’m not sure if he’s confusing metric with imperial, but that dick ain’t 8 inches! I’m a professional: I know of what I speak.
That statistic is complete and total bullshit, published by a viciously anti-gay researcher whose methods would have had him censured if he was a member of a reputable group, and you should be throughly ashamed with yourself for repeating it.
Go to hell.
I love a man who has the confidence (and the body) to wear a Speedo.
He’s def not old and he IS totally cute. I also don’t see him as being arrogant. He’s aware of what he wants and can communicate it. I like him and would love to roll around with him. DINDAADAA could get it.
I just don’t wanna fuck someone who looks like they might die half way through.
i cant believe all these people comment on how shallow he is with out even knowing him… take a look in the mirror and see who is really shallow.