Manhunt Man Of The Week: hotcenturion

Nice body. Hairy. Handsome face. And back to that body! This is hotcenturion. He hails from South Africa and he’s our “Manhunt Man of the Week!” He’s got MULTIPLE hot pics, and…he’s got multiple hot pics, ok? We like that in our “Man of the Week.” We don’t need Superman or Ernest Hemingway. Just a regular guy. “Regular” meaning “sexy as fuck”, of course. But still – regular.

If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a MOTW, go for it!

– J. Harvey

To meet hotcenturion, Follow the JUMP:

Name: hotcenturion
Age: 41
Location: South Africa

1) What was the hottest Manhunt hookup you’ve experienced so far?

Hooking up with a couple and the evening turned out to be one with harnesses, mirrors and taking fuck pictures.

2) What’s your favorite part on a guy?


3) Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?

Mark Wahlberg.

4) What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?

A parking garage.

5) Does size matter?


Thanks, hotcenturion. I guess when you’ve got that body you can hypnotize us and cause us to not complain about your short answers. If YOU think you’re a “Manhunt Man of the Week” candidate (and you want a month of Manhunt for free), go here.

14 thoughts on “Manhunt Man Of The Week: hotcenturion

  1. What instantly turned me off is his oft-used “don’t-take-it-personal-if-I-don’t-reply-because-I’m-not-interested” line.  First of all, if someone takes the time to write something, whether it’s just a compliment or an attempt to meet (and you’re “not interested”), it only takes a second to write back and say thank you (and then come up with some non-hurting excuse to not meet – there are lots of ways to do that).  That’s called having manners which go a lot farther than a long cock.  Second, no and, and Imean no one, is so “all that” that they think they can just be rude to someone who was willing to give them the time of day.

  2. I totally agree with you Jerry and Daniel Drent. I mean a good body, cock is no excuse for not having manners. I have been on the end of some rather nasty comments from a guy, as I’d already had sex on this particular day. a guy off manhunt contacted me, I replied very politely and told him I’d already been satisfied. you should of seen the language used by him. Needless to say i reported him to manhunt, and their reply was not much use to be honest!!!!!  Sorry manhunt but you were no help and I thought your support was lacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He does remind me a bit of  that guy on CNN Anderson Cooper.

  3. Hi guys.
    Thanks for all the comments, some good and some bad.
    But hey you cannot win them all.
    The reason I said don’t-take-it-personal-if-I-don’t-reply-because-I’m-not-interested” is that as a personal trainer working vrom 5 in the morning till 9 at night, I do not have time to reply to every mail or request (not that I get that many anyway).
    All I was trying to say was that if I do not answer, I am not interested.  Why do the whole thank you but you are not my type thing everytime.  It saves everyone a lot of time.
    To Daniel on the subject of not being a good fuck, I find that very personal and was uncalled for.  It shows a lack of respect, but then again coming from someone like you, I would honestly not have sleepless nights over it.
    And for the record, I am one amazing senxual and sexy fuck, but then again you would never have the opportunity to find out.
    As for the revealing pictures, I have taken it up with Manhunt administration.  All of those pictures were private on my site and nowhere did I give them permission to use them or publish them.
    Chris (Hotcenturion)

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