Brace yourselves! This week’s Manhunt Man of The Week is a 22 year-old cubbish fellow who’s about to relocate to Brooklyn. He goes by KenicksRox on Manhunt, but when he’s not cruising our site for something to make him happy, he does drag as Dolly Spartans, a name given to him by another queen due to his love for (the greatest human being alive) Dolly Parton and her breasts.
We, of course, discussed what it’s like to do drag, while taking a few departures to talk about rimjobs, chest hair and why sleeping with a South African man should be on everyone’s fucket list. At the end of the interview, he sent me a picture of his fuzzy that’s not in his profile, and professionally speaking, I most definitely did not jerk off to it as soon as we finished speaking.
So what are you waiting for? Leave your “str8-acting” judgments at the door and get to know this fellow! He seems like one of the “good ones”, and if you play your cards right, you might be able to score a date (or a nice romp in the sack) with him.
– Dewitt
Read our interview and see more pics of KenicksRox below:
You’re technically not the first person who does drag to be the Manhunt Man of The Week, but I believe you’re the first to talk about it extensively within your interview…
Well, I currently live in Westchester, NY, and there’s really no drag scene up here. My sister Rhoda Rollins Stone (RoRo as everyone calls her) was really the only working drag queen in Westchester. I approached her at the bar some time and asked if I could do drag, and she said I could. We built our own little drag family of siz queens in Westchester, and RoRo and I started our own burlesque show
Burlesque, eh? I take it that means you’re “serving” sex, sex and more sex with your performances.
Haha, for my first performance, I rubbed a dollar bill on my vagina and had an “orgasm. They ate it up.
They ate your vagina!?!? ON STAGE?
If only! I wouldn’t have minded sitting on a couple of those South African men’s faces. Speaking of South African Men, everyone should sleep with a South African man at least once.
Why is that?
They’re great lovers. And their accents are so sexy. If they speak Afrikaans to you while they’re on top of you, it’s even better
I take it you know that from personal experience! Would it be wrong to assume you like being on the bottom?
I do know from personal experience! I’ve definitely been exploring my versatile side as of late. But I mean, when a hot marine daddy wants to top you, it’s not like you can turn that down. Just grab those poppers and buckle down!
Well, now you’ve got me curious! Have you ever had sex in drag?
No, I’ve never had sex in drag. I’m strictly a party/performance queen… Though I am totally guilty of making out with a cute guy if he buys me a drink.
[Editor makes mental note to buy Dotty Spartans a drink at her next show.]
On that note, have you ever been judged or rejected by someone, based on your decision to do drag?
Yes. For that reason, it’s usually one of the first thing I tell guys. Being a drag queen can be very lonely when it comes to love. Luckily, I have some amazing sisters, so I’m never alone.
But dating is very difficult. A lot of men find drag queens to be too “fem” in a culture where everyone is so focused on being “masc”, but I find that it takes a lot of balls to put on a dress and heels. A lot of queens I know are actually very masculine.
Overall how do you feel about this overall obsession with masculinity, almost to the point where gay men often treat it as a virtue?
Masculinity is important. I mean, I’m a gay man, and I am attracted to men. I’m extremely attracted to hairy men, to the point where I’m always tempted to rip their shirts off and rub my face in their chest. But masculinity is not more important than femininity. They’re both sides of the coin. It’s the yin and yang of the gay community. The more we persecute our brothers for being feminine, the more we become our own worst enemy.
So now we know you’re into hairy guys. What other qualities turn you on?
I love funny guys. If you can make me laugh, you can most likely get me on my back. I also love a combination of dark hair and light eyes. Like Jake Gyllenhaal or Matt Bomer.
Oh, and I’m a total ass man! Nothing better than rimming a bubble butt.
We can both agree on that last part! Your profile states that you’re looking for an LTR. Do you think it’s possible to find that on Manhunt?
I think, ultimately, most of us are looking for an LTR. I know people that have found relationships on Manhunt, but I think I’ve come to a point in my life where I’m just looking to make myself happy. However, if an LTR came along, I wouldn’t run from it.
That’s a healthy attitude. You’re not afraid of commitment, and you’re not afraid of walking in heels. What does scare you?
Hmm, I don’t know. I’m an avid horror movie fanatic (especially zombies), so I guess I would say the thing I’m most afraid of is moving into the city. I’m moving to Brooklyn in December, and it’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I haven’t even started packing yet.
What scares you about Brooklyn? It’s a lovely place to live!
It’ll be my first time really being on my own. I mean, I’ll be living with a friend, but I’m leaving my family and friends. It’s not far, but it’s far enough.
Well, we here at Manhunt Daily wish you the best of luck on the move. To wrap this all up, let’s go deep for a second – where do you hope to see yourself five years from now?
Hmm, well, I’m a playwright, and I just wrote a musical which my friend and I are submitting to some theatre festivals. So, I hope that in five years I’ll have a successful play, possibly a novel and definitely a drag show or two in NYC.
Maybe a boyfriend, but definitely a cat.
roflmao, as a south african, i have to say that sometimes afrikaans guys can suck at sex but a lot of them are really good too
I think he is so fucking sexy and I’d go to town on that hairy ass.Yum.
Well, I’m glad SOMEBODY finally said it!
I think he is cute as fuck, and would love to get with him, just wish he could stop the body shaving, cuz a I love a hairy cub!