Manhunt Man Of The Week: Mbtide

It’s our first Manhunt Man of the Week for 2012! We couldn’t be more excited! This hot young man has a picture of himself looking exceptionally doable while petting an adorable kitten! Kitteh! Dewitt just came in his cubicle. My fierce and fabulous co-blogger likes hot dick, and he likes kittens. Smash the two together and he’s in a sexual frenzy.

Mbtide is a delightful young man from Florida who appreciates a nice ass. If you’re in his area, focus on squats.

If you’ll notice, he is HAWT, and also supplied thoughtful answers to our Manhunt Questionnaire. If you’d like to be a MOTW and have those two items checked off on the list in your brain – apply here! The Manhunt Man of the Week receives a month of Unlimited Membership on Manhunt FREE. Also, if one of your pics features you shirtless and nuzzling a kitteh, Dewitt will blow you. BONUS.

– J. Harvey

To get to know Mbtide (and for more of his hot pics), Follow the JUMP:

Manhunt profile name: Mbtide
Age: 24
Location: Florida

1) What was the hottest Manhunt hookup you’ve experienced so far?

Honestly, I’ve only had one. It wasn’t all bad, but nothing particularly noteworthy; he wasn’t very vocal or passionate. [Ed. note – Then get thee back on Manhunt! Have you shared the kitteh picture? That ought to attract a decent amount of sexy dudes.]

2) What’s your favorite part on a guy?

His heart. I know, *eye roll*. But I really do have a strong attraction to guys that are sweet and not jaded/pessimistic/snobby about everything.

Physically, a nice ass always gets me impulsive though.

3) Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?

I don’t know. My current celebrity crush, and by celebrity I mean you can Google him, is Francisco Lachowski. Those Brazilian models are pretty ridiculous.

4) What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?

At a baby swap area in Dueling Dragons @ Universal Studios, haha. It was just a blowjob, and no, no one was there. [Ed. note – We like this guy. We also like that he waited until all the babies were…swapped?]

5) Does size matter?

Not at all. In fact, to the extent that it does, I prefer average/smaller. [Ed. note – I think I’m in love.]

Seriously, Rihanna-type love in a hopeless place. Thanks, Mbtide. Use that free month on Manhunt to find yourself a hot and sweaty encounter you can tell us about and win more free months! Again, if you’d like to be Manhunt Man of the Weekgo here.

16 thoughts on “Manhunt Man Of The Week: Mbtide

  1. The first pic (with the kitty) should be used in the “Caption This” blog ….. can you imagine the responses?

  2. I’ve never been in a relationship, but I know a keeper when I see one! Sounds like a really down to earth person.

  3. It appears that he doesn’t care, from what he’s said and what he’s indicated on his profile, that things like looks, age and size don’t matter to him – just sincerity.  That makes him a rather positive guy.

  4. As long as this is legit and not faked or whatnot, I love it!  I love his realness.  Super awesome!  Definitely a great catch!  why is he single?


    1) I’ve only had one (cuz no one really is worthy of me)

    2) a nice ass (sans the bullshit opener)

    3) excluding myself? hmmm… any generic, scrawny twink

    4) amusement park *yawn*

    5) I don’t suck dick, or get fucked… so, why would size matter? (covered in more bullshit)

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