Manhunt Man Of The Week: Randick11

Each week we crown a Manhunt member as our “Manhunt Man of the Week!” We like to highlight guys with an interesting, fun or sexy profile and/or hot pics (those ALWAYS win out). This week’s MOTW already has a special connection to Manhunt Daily. He was the winner of our iPhone War for best booty, and there’s a pic after the jump that will show you why.

How does the Manhunt MOTW benefit from being featured on the Daily? His time in the spotlight will surely garner him international acclaim! As well as 30 days of Unlimited Membership for free!

– J. Harvey

To meet our Man of the Week (and see more pics of him), Follow the JUMP:

Manhunt Man of the Week: Randick11
Age: 20
Location: West Virginia

The hottest Manhunt hookup you ever had?

A guy came over and we were drinking next to the fire pit and we had a trampoline. He threw me on the trampoline and started kissing me. Next thing I know, he turns me over and starts playing with my ass. We get off the trampoline and I laid down on my back in the grass and he starts plowing me. We became good friends after that 🙂

What’s your favorite body part on a guy?

A nice round ass.

Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?

The sexiest man in the world would have to be Kellan Lutz.

What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?

It was outside of a club I used to work at.

And finally, does size matter?

Size does matter. I had a guy one time come over and hook up with me and come to find out it was no bigger than three inches! What a waste of a dick. Ha Ha.

Thank you, iPhone ass champion! If you would like to submit yourself as a “Manhunt Man of the Week” (meaning – you have hot pictures, and more than three words in your profile), e-mail us at!

13 thoughts on “Manhunt Man Of The Week: Randick11

  1. Reminds me a little bit of porn star Cameron Marshall.

    Minus points for the 3-inch dick comment (and minus points to Manhunt for asking that question in the first place) but definitely a cutie.

  2. He gets bonus point for being a mountain man (WV!) and for the bowl laying on his bed in the second picture down after the jump.  I wouldn’t mind hiking up into the mountains with him, smoking a couple bowls of homegrown WV shit, then fucking like animals!

  3. That can’t possibly be a pot  pipe, Cody.  Manhunt doesn’t allow us to show drug paraphernalia in our profile pics.  That would be too real.

    That said, I share your sentiments entirely.  🙂

  4. This is My Profile,Thanks fo the comments and no its not a bowl,lol. I do not smoke

  5. it’s ironic that for someone who categorically states size DOES matter, he would have “don’t Ask how big I am, If I wanted everyone to know, it would say it…” on his profile. He could’ve avoided that no-dick fiasco by simply ASKING! 😛

  6. These were some surprising pics to see….I actually hooked up with these dude twice a while back. First was just some making out and groping – then got all the way down with him next go around. Definitely a hot body, nice cock and lots of naked fun with this guy.

  7. These were some surprising pics to see….I actually hooked up with these dude twice a while back. First was just some making out and groping – then got all the way down with him next go around. Definitely a hot body, nice cock and lots of naked fun with this guy.

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