So…this is our new blog! It was totally time for a refresh and, I must say, this is a spiffy one. If just feels a little more now, ya know? That dark blue color scheme was really getting me down.
To celebrate our new appearance, we’ve got a whole new crop of Manhunt men to delight you. These are guys from this week’s “Manhunt Now” newsletters, and they just go to show that our planet spins on an axis of sexy. Someday I will be forgiven for typing that.
If you just said to yourself “Newsletter? Manhunt sends out a newsletter?”, then the following info is way important. To receive the “Manhunt Now” newsletter every week, you just need a (free) Manhunt account. If you’re already a member and not receiving it, just go to Accounts > Notifications on Manhunt and check the box. Keep in mind, these are just some of the guys we feature every week. There’s gaggles more on the actual newsletter.
In the meantime, click on the picture or the profile name to see more men like the gorgeous kenzo22a (above).
– J. Harvey
More from Spain:
Too bad this article didn’t get a makeover with the site. Same lack of diversity as always.
how am i to vote on one when none of them are naked? lame!!!!
To all the tops on this list…I’m available just FYI.
Love the blog’s new look!
Spain all the way today 🙂
Ooooohhh…. but the first one from Spain! Ai papi!