MANHUNT Turns Up the Heat in August

MANHUNT August DesktopMANHUNT August Desktop

Are your co-workers repulsed by the extremely hairy ass that you have as your desktop background (*cough* Doctor Queerlove *cough*)? Oh, wait that doesn't happen to you guys? Regardless if that happens or not, spice up your desktop with one of our hot models. Now you can surf the internet and get a boner at the same time just by looking at your background.

– Andy

To download August's wallpaper, follow the JUMP:

8 thoughts on “MANHUNT Turns Up the Heat in August

  1. LOL @ Leo.
    Actually the only thing this website doesn’t like is BROKE men.

  2. How can you browse the internet AND look at your screen’s background…I don’t know about all of you but when i have a webpage up, I can’t see the picture on my desktop…haha, just a thought…

  3. Wish they would go back to being a site that work right..
    since the Cee I EIO wrote his letter about how shiny and happy the site is working in his eyes…
    in two days it’s gotten WORSE>>@!
    Today is pix/no pix day. one page pix next page none/
    if you can even GET to the next page after error prompts…after 2 refreshes.
    Getting old Guys////Getting OLD

  4. hott! he’s got a great bod!
    manhunt doesnt care about your race, they want your ghey dollars.
    i’ve noticed on the manhunt homepage that they have different types of guys of all shapes/shades. which is a really good thing.

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