41 thoughts on “MANHUNT’s Newest Login Page Models

  1. Great April Fools joke guys! You rock!!! How many guys been bitching to you about your “new” models?

  2. Oh great! I finally get to hook up with the women I’ve been looking for on these gay hookup sites! *whew*

  3. Third model’s milkshake brings me to the yard, but then I remember I’m lactose intolerant… and then I cry because I miss milkshakes.

  4. never EVER do something so mean to a gay guys innocent heart.. I skipped a beat before I scrolled down!
    Maybe i’m just gullible.. but whatever.. NEVER do this even as a joke!

  5. personally its a stupid idea it is called MANHUNT I have no desire to see women on this site come on guys get freaking real

  6. The 3rd model looks like a tranny. Maybe Manhunt was marketing to the Bi Male population on the website now! LOL! 🙂

  7. Who wants to make a bet that some people will think this is real altho it is clearly stated that its a joke?

  8. Some of you ppl (ROBERT) are so uptight about a joke, live a little, and laugh some, it will make your world better if you do. As for the girls it would b a bigger market for the bi males, but thats a different website.

  9. @ nx284:
    Are you serious? i hope you’re kidding and being sarcastic. if you’re serious then you need to take the same advice they gave robert

  10. These bitches are hot but maybe for your new site: CuntHunt. Just a thought! LOL

  11. I love that, CuntHunt.Com. That could so be a website, lol. That was ingenius Russ, lol. Loves it, lol.

  12. that was hilarious!! My first thought was…uh who wants to see chicks? Thanks for the good laugh!

  13. When I first read it I was like whoa is this for The BI guys or closeted married men, Then i thought HMMMMM CHICKS WITH DICKS PERVERTED but excepted and then i see the APRIL FOOLS I LOVED THE PRANK WOW very smart thinking to do to get gays to react!!!!!!!!

  14. I thought the site name was BeaverHunt. Either way, when I go somewhere for all you can eat meat, I don’t want to see no fish on the menu.

  15. that was a pretty great joke… i thought they might have been marketing to the bi guys or something to get them to enter. Either way i had a great laugh

  16. LOL, I was SHOCKED that you would be doing this. I mean, no marriage, now we have to look at females when we sign on to MANUNT? I thought you were trying to help “straight” men when they are signing on at the office, just in case someone walked in on them.
    Great April Fool’s Joke. Had me going.

  17. Are you F*%#ING kidding me?!? Of course you are 😉 It’s April fools…good one guys. It better be anyways, lol.

  18. whoa i was actually thinking that manhunt guys were for real, but that was funnnyyy

  19. You guys totally had me going, i was goona be pissed if i had to see chicks on the main page when i log in to hookup with men!! nice joke, haha

  20. HAHAHA, I seriously thought this was true and got nervous!
    The blonde model’s mouth looks so funny the way its open lol

  21. I kind of figured it was April Fool’s joke, but I am sure you got a lot of guys with this.

  22. oh lord… i was about to go ape shit ha. unless those hot, hot, chicks had dicks… well they dont and it was a joke…
    i am amused.
    thank you.

  23. This was better than Google’s “CADIE” prank. Though I imagine there are some guys out there that are actually slightly disappointed … trannies are HOT 😉

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