You know Marc Sinoway and his legendary pubes from naughty gay web series Hunting Season. Before continuing, I should reiterate that the fate of the show’s second season is in your hands. I’ve already provided you 32 excellent reasons why we need to see more of these wacky-ass New York sluts, so if you haven’t headed over to Kickstarter to support the project, then I’d kindly suggest that you need to reassess your priorities, open up your heart and do whatever you need to do to get more of this guy‘s butt on my computer screen.
But let’s get back to more important matters! After reading my Hunting Season recaps on Manhunt Daily, Marc Sinoway violated my (at the time) strict personal boundaries by forcing me to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Despite my initial reluctance to click the “accept” or “follow” buttons, I eventually wound up gaining an awesome internet acquaintance who cares very much about the individuals who view his work.
Recently, Marc revealed to me that he reopened his Manhunt account, and he’s been asking strangers all over the world to give him their wads. While I’m not in the place to give him a substantial wad at the moment, I thought I’d post this video and pass on the message for anyone who might be interested in his wad-taking abilities. You’ll see that Marc doesn’t care whether you’re gay, straight, bi, single, married, partnered, male, female, old, young, slim, muscular, chubby, hung like a horse, hung like a mouse or anything else. He’ll take your wad no matter who you are.
– Dewitt
Watch Marc Sinoway log onto Manhunt and talk about wads below:
Head over here to give Marc your wad! Don’t make him beg for it.
Haha. Thanks Dewitt. I love you.
LMAO not what I expected caught me off guard. lol