The adult performer formerly (?) known as “Matthew Keading” recently came out as transgender, stating that she’s known she identified as a female for more than half her life. Keading says that she’ll continue filming porn for the next four to five months, then begin hormone replacement therapy in the new year.
After the whole Chelsea Manning debacle, I’m trying to be extremely conscious of the pronoun I use to describe Keading. While my general instinct as a transgender ally is to use “she”, it dawned on me that it would be most appropriate to reach out and ask Keading herself.
“It really makes no difference to me,” she told me via Twitter. “I mean, I haven’t started my hormones fully so it doesn’t matter imo.”
There were so many follow-up questions I wanted to ask! Keading has yet to choose a female name—“Amy” was thrown out as a possibility—so I started to wonder if calling her “Matthew Keading” was technically a faux pas… And if she currently identifies as female, would it even be proper to refer to her work as “gay porn”?
These are, I suppose, questions we’ll just have to answer as we go along. Keading has a long, exciting and likely difficult journey in front of her, and I’d like to think that fans (and non-fans alike) will support her as she makes her transition and takes important steps toward happiness in her own body. To offer kind words or find out how you can help, shoot over an email to
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Next Door Twink
Watch a clip from Keading’s new clip with Blake Stone below:
Want more? Check out a free bonus clip at NEXT DOOR TWINK.
“I hope she leads a happy life” is about all I have to say, hehe.
I’m sure the trans community appreciates your sensitivity and desire to honor somoene’s wishes on form of address, etc.
In a case like this, where the person hasn’t chosen a name, how about simply “The adult video performer who performed as ‘Matthew Keading’…” – which makes it clear it’s referring to the performer’s porn identity.
It’s dangerous and incredibly unprofessional to post a story like this, without knowing the back story. Did you as “Matthew” about being repeatedly raped, at age 15, by a 60 year old man? Did you ask about the fact that he has no family support, nor do his friends and family even know about any of this? Did you bother to ask why he only decided he was a woman 1-2 years ago, rather than or a lifetime, like other transgendered people? How about asking him about the fact that he continues to prostitute himself to any man who will give him cash? No, instead, you assumed he has zero issues to deal with and suggest everyone should be supportive of the decision of a person who has absolutely no idea of who he is. Sad.
I’ve identified as a female since I was around the age of 6 or 7. But just recently have I decided to go through with the whole thing. Have a great day everyone and thanks for the article!
Ah, my apologies for that mistake! I will edit the post.
Beautiful is beautiful
I’ve always found myself attracted to a person, not gender or idenity. Be strong, gorgeous
I think Matthew will transition into a beautiful young woman, but selfishly I will miss that lovely cock though.
You should see the two raw dicks on this weeks fraternityx update.
After one gets over one’s own selfish lamenting of a man like Matthew Keading, we are damned well obligated to celebrate our new sister, however she would like to be called (for the sake of clarity, I would like to refer to the pornperformer Matthew Keading as “AmyK”.)
So, if you didn’t catch on, Matthew was hella hot and yummy. However, if AmyK was a female, yet caught in her male skin, kudos for her escape. Dewitt’s question of how to refer to her former pornography work? I think it’s gay porn, but it’s, in this and I hope in every case, ultimately up to the performers. If AmyK considers it straight porn, then it is.
Same in other life aspects, I think. If AmyK is ready to live her life as a female, we ought to be 110% behind her (in a platonic way, boys. put those away
In a general sort of way, if you know a transgendered friend, I think the best way to relate to them or refer to them…ask them. If they don’t know, if they’re not sure yet, WAIT till they are. It’s actually their business not yours. The main point is to follow their lead, because it’s their life and their identification
Matthew looks just like a guy friend I had in highschool. We had lots of fun. This hurts a little because from the first time I saw him I was like WOW!! I am a natural blond and love guys with dark hair. I wish him the best