Matthew Morrison From Glee is NOT Gay

Matthew Morrison

In a recent interview with Elle magazine, Glee's Matthew Morrison confirms that he's not gay despite being in musical theater and appearing in numerous gay magazines. I know, I'm disappointed, too. He goes on to say that he's been called gay since the fifth grade because he grew up singing and dancing. You think he would be insulted but he's not and he loves his gay fans.

Oh, the best part about the interview? Manhunt was mentioned in the article. How sweet is that? Never in a million years would I think that Elle magazine would print Manhunt in its pages. You can read the interview here.

– Andy

15 thoughts on “Matthew Morrison From Glee is NOT Gay

  1. well done guys (with the elle mention) you are moving up in the world.
    there are quite a few sites (non-porn blogs and sites) linking to you lately (the blog that is) and sometimes stealing from you ;-)and your traffic is significantly up.

  2. i suppose that at a renowned fashion magazine, there would have to be at least one or two queers on the staff.
    ..i’d not be so very surprised that Manhunt might be mentioned, there.
    (and, no: i don’t have any comment on the actual subject of the above post, itself.)

  3. There’s this video on Youtube of him performing on broadway in this.. ‘outfit’. He then proceeds to get money from members of the audience and tongues some random girl. That lucky bitch.
    Needless to say he’s got an awesome bod and so he should be parading around in nothing but a pair of crazy boxers on.

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