Recent developments have helped me see
a new kind of Cauke.
As recently as Tuesday, I made a case for ‘anyone but Mike Cauke’ for President,’ seeing as Mike couldn’t even manage to determine where the hidden cameras were on his rando Manhunt hookup.
I don’t know what’s happening to that secret footage yet, but I do know that Mr. Cauke has employed some VERY dedicated professionals on his campaign. I just watched this scene with Luke Adams, one of his door-to-door ground team members (canvasing Adam Ramzi‘s neighborhood, of all places!), doing “whatever it takes” to get those guys on #TeamCauke:
Now. I’m never one to discount effort and professionalism. And if Mr. Trump had guys out there, canvasing my neighborhood, and spreading wide (at both ends) in an effort to win my vote, he might stand a shot here. The Upper East Side likes a ‘will do‘ attitude after all.
Mr. Cauke better watch his own self on these internet comments though. This one was outta line and I said as much.
I guess what I’m trying to say is Luke Adams’ ass is glorious. And if it meant him sharing it the way he did with Adam here, I’d vote for whomever he instructed me to. And then I’d take his ass to Red Lobster.
Let’s skip the stock gallery and just look at BTS shots, yeah?
– tyler
Luke Adams is such a hot little pup and Adam Ramzi is so deliciously hairy. Yummo!
Got to agree both guys look so good in the pics