Michael Douglas On Having Sex With Matt Damon

Is anyone else quivering with excitement for HBO’s Behind The Candelabra? The Liberace bio-pic starring Michael Douglas as the ivory-tickler and Matt Damon as his “chauffeur” (and by “chauffeur” I mean goldenboy fucktoy) Scott Thorsen. The trailer looks so amazing, just FULL of gay drama, showbiz opulence, and plastic surgery nightmares!  It premieres this month on HBO (5/26), and Michael talked to New York magazine about what fake-fucking Matt Damon was like. Or GETTING fake-fucked by Matt Damon. I just want to see Matt Damon make out with a dude. I’ve had an ongoing Good Will Hunting fap fantasy where ALL the Southie guys (even Casey Affleck and ESPECIALLY Cole Hauser) have an orgy. This is probably the closest I’m going to get.

“Once you get that first kiss in, you are comfortable,” Douglas said. “Matt and I didn’t rehearse the love scenes. We said, ‘Well—we’ve read the script, haven’t we?’ ” Douglas laughed. “The hardest thing about sex scenes is that everybody is a judge. I don’t know the last time you murdered somebody or blew anyone’s brains out, but everyone has had sex and probably this morning, which means everyone has an opinion on how it should be done.”

Hell yeah! If Matt Damon is ASS UP, he’d better get that ass high.

According to USA Today, Michael made sure to keep it soft so no one got scruff burn. Obviously this is not a bear story.

To prep, Douglas made sure his pucker was as soft as possible.

“I didn’t want any whisker burns on the poor guy,” says Douglas of kissing Damon.

So, what was his secret lip product? “You should ask my makeup artist. It was in a fancy tin jar,” says Douglas.

Adds Damon: “I insisted on it. It was in my contract. You really should ask me about it.”

I’d rather ask you if this experience fostered something deep inside you, Matt. Something you never knew existed, but someone always sensed was there.

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