I’m sure back in the day before the plague, Two Dick Minimum was the actual ruleat gay bars! Heady times. Raging Stallion’s latest features brawnies Michael Roman and Jack Andy demonstrating what the possibilities are when you meet a guy at a bar and not online! (Not that meeting a guy online is a bad thing, my overlords at Manhunt!)
Bending over, Jack spreads his ass wide and Michael dives in face first. Moving inside the bar, Michael and Jack remove all their clothing (save for Jack’s leather harness) and get down to business. Bracing himself against the pool table, Jack takes Michael’s cock from behind. Putting all the power of his physique into his thrusting, Michael fucks Jack like an uncontrollable sex beast. Jack gets up on the pool table and throws his leg over Michael’s shoulder. As Michael pounds his hole, Jack strokes his huge cock, getting closer and closer to cumming. Michael’s thrusting is relentless and unyielding. With Michael deep inside him, Jack explodes with thick ropes of cum that drip across his hairy stomach. Michael grabs his hard meat and blows his load on Jack’s cock and balls.
This also serves my theory that gay bars put pool tables in for reasons other than gaming. Click here for more.
– Michael Xavier

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