Opinions on Mick have been divided, but not for the same reasons that you were left arguing about Donny Drake. It's actually the opposite! Whereas some folks have said that Donny didn't manscape enough, a majority of porn lovers have complained that Mick has manscaped a little too much. He took deforestation to the max, and it doesn't look like there's a single hair near his cock.
Now I don't usually go for shaved pubes, but I'd still fuck the hell out of this guy. It doesn't even matter that he looks like a lost member of the Jersey Shore cast. There's no way I'd be able to turn down his beefy body, bulging biceps and meaty ass. I'd bury my face in those cheeks, and then bend him over and go to work! Who else is with me?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Next Door Male
To see what Mick looks like naked, follow the JUMP:
nice…i like a beefy man…i wouldn’t let him outta bed.
I’ll never understand the motivation for shaving the pubes but keeping the happy trail…
I thought his crotch was perfect.
I’ll take him…but without the foreskin, thanks.
I’d like to see an unshaved chest on him, no pubes are fine by me, but i think shaved chests look gross.
the nice dusting of hair on his ass is nice
Does nouthing 4 me !!!
I never really get why so many guys think a shaved chest is so unnatural when there are some guys with naturally smooth chests (or lightly dusted with hair that’s practically invisible in photos). It’s perfectly understandable to prefer a man with a hairy chest, but to call it unnatural is as wrong as saying someone having brown eyes is unnatural.
yeah, it’s harder to pull off foreskin when smooth.
I see nothing wrong with this man…looks excellent!
I liked Donny, his unshaved crotch suited it. The ass coulda been trimmed. And I think if one is going to shave their crotch, they should stick to the hairless theme and shave everything. It just looks like they shaved their crotch and then got bored… or tired.. or lazy or something. I think Mick would look hot with the light dusting of hair just like the rest of his body has. To me, hairless should only be done by pre-pubescent boys. I dunno about you, but I ain’t attracted to those. But i KNOW there are some guys who are naturally hairless. good for them. Otherwise. Embrace what ya got! With-in reason… 😉
I usually hate the shaved crotch, too, but this guy is hot enough he more or less makes up for it. Woof!
this fellow is an exception to my “thing” about having a Bald Crotch.
as furfiend more or less said: his other traits make up for that.
then again..
..one’s having a bald crotch wasn’t ever a deal breaker for me.
it rarely ever is, as far as i can tell.
i’ll tell you what: i would like to lay this guy down, “pin his arms back,” and show him what is meant by Enthusiastic Cocksucker.
Haha thats a hot last sentence there, Saint_Impatience 😉
you liked that, huh D?
This must be the most difficult group of men to please that I’ve ever encountered!
Even with the deforestation I would want to bang the fuck out of this guy n he has a nice cock to boot so u kno I’d go to work on that dick like a starv puppie
I wish they had included a pic of him with the hair to compare. He is hot though…probably with & without hair.
He is PERFECT all around in my opinion!
I love a beefy man, but the jersey shore thing… PASS!
I like em hairy but if you are going to shave, then shave. He did it right IMO. Still hot