Gay singer Mister Chase (tn Michael Chase DiMartino) is Adele-ing me with this cover of Rihanna’s latest track, “Stay.” By “Adele-ing,” I mean that he’s making me all misty-eyed and forlorn inside. He has this plaintive quality to his voice on this cover track that’s killing me. The accompanying video is simple but effective, with Chase and his love embracing for brief periods throughout the song and finally coming together at the end. It’s a sexy vid, but it’s also quite beautiful. He’s also offering the track for free on his site. Download away!
Love it!
i love that song … he does a really nice job with it, too!
He has the type of voice that makes you want to listen the song !!!
Beautiful man with a wonderful voice.
Is this the same guy who does all the ASL videos?
Yeah it is. He started singing his own music a couple of years ago or so.