After the unfortunate passage of Proposition 8, gay and straight Californians alike are looking at the Church of Latter-Day Saints with increased scrutiny. Several protests are taking place outside Mormon temples in what is becoming a heated battle over the church's role.
Much of the criticism comes from the fact that Mormons account for at least $20 Million raised by 'Yes on 8' campaigns, yet LDS retains tax-exempt status. The very pointedly titled website,, has launched a petition to strip the church's tax-exempt status.
The group says, "In this country, you can be a church. You can be a political action committee.
You cannot be both. The Mormon Church stands in direct defiance of the spirit of
our laws by actively campaigning to change California law."
The debate is certain to continue for some time as we figure out where to go next in this fight.
– Andy
Picture Courtesy of Los Angeles Times.
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