Must Watch: A Bear With A Butt Candle

Some of you are probably going to be all “eww, fat!” But I think he’s A) cute B) very limber and C) who doesn’t like classic Fleetwood Mac? Especially when Stevie Nicks is accompanying a performance artist cub in a jock with a candle up his butt? Ok, it’s probably just me. Blame Dewitt. He sent me this! It’s all his fault.

– J. Harvey

To check out Candle Cub in action, Follow the JUMP:

40 thoughts on “Must Watch: A Bear With A Butt Candle

  1. That was interesting! I bet there won’t be any mean comments about “feed him a cheeseburger!”

  2. That was interesting! I bet there won’t be any mean comments about “feed him a cheeseburger!”

  3. was that some bad final exam performance art class somewhere? not sure if I feel bothered or chuckling inside???

  4. This guy is disgusting and he’s not a good look. I didn’t find this video to be amusing.

  5. Unlike so many other things on here, there was absolutely no redeeming social value to that… more like torturing a captive audience.

  6. Fucking gross! No reason to show this! And we wonder why some of the straight world don’t understand us, what fucking purpose did that serve?? I sure as hell wouldn’t want to see a woman dancing around with a candle in her pussy! That’s just pure trash!

  7. What’s funny about this is that the guy is having a laff at himself and the genre. He’s not my physical type, but the character he shows is very attractive.

  8. It’s just in good fun. I don’t understand why anyone would make a big deal out of this. To each his own. Everyone in the video was laughing and enjoying themselves so get over it!

  9. I am totally there with u, but it looks more like a graduate student (given everyone’s age in the video)…..

    lol I miss my school days lol

  10. just looked at the following video, which seems to be the part before what we saw….. he’s still wearing a shirt and pants, and it says this is at Whole Gallery, on 12/19/2010…

    so it is art, which does not need to have any redeeming quality, except to start some discussions….

  11. WOOF! I know he’d prefer my tongue or dick to that candle… He’s WAY fucking cute looking BTW.

  12. He’s just continuing the tradition of performance artists like Karen Finlay (“And I take those Belgian waffles/and I put ’em in my snatch/and I put ’em in my asshole/’Cause I love those Belgian waffles”). Furthermore, nothing in the video indicates whether the guy is gay or straight, so I don’t see how this reflects on “us”.

  13. One’s “performance” of self, gender, or societal role and their sexuality are not linked as people so often assume and I commend you for realizing that unlike so many of the commenters on here. I don’t get what it is that he is trying to express (which explains why I stay away from performance art) but it is ultimately between him and his audience so why should it matter to me? I’ll give him credit for doing something I never would!

  14. Thanks, Jonathan. It’s good to know there is room for discussion here beyond the typical “He’s fat and ugly” or “I wish I were that candle”! Like you, I tend to avoid performance art because I often do not understand either the idiom or the objective, but I also acknowledge that it apparently does have meaning for the people involved.

  15. Jim Wilkinson should get off his high horse. I don’t find this artistic or attractive but how different is this than you taking pictures of fit guys with yellow socks on their dicks? Just because your models are prettier doesn’t elevate you in the area of “good” taste.

  16. And what exactly is the significange or relevance of these two things on YOUR life? I ask this because he obviously felt the reason to do this for some reason that was important to him – the same reason that you engage in certain behaviors when you are with groups of people. Do outsiders comment on your appearance and behavior when you engage in the performance of “you”?

  17. Much like the audience, who stopped laughing just past 1/2 way through, I loved it at first, but then became a little uncomfortable. Bravo to him for having the self esteem and confidence to pull it off, but still found it a little bizarre and “off.”

  18. i like performance art, i like bears and i like candles…oh and fleetwood mac. i like fleetwood mac. but combined here for this performance i kind of am missing the point. there was no message, no real performance energy and the ending was so blah the audience didn’t even know it was over until he shrugged and started to get dressed. this could have been much more entertaining.

  19. Well…entertainment comes in many forms and that certainly is another form of it. More power to him for having the confidence to do it for whatever reason he did it.

  20. Did he include “Your Money Back Guarantee” ? Def I would have asked for my $$ back.

  21. I hope he didn’t get a grant from the NEA or we’ll never hear the end of this from the conservatives LOL!

  22. I wish i were that comfortable with myself. I would never do anything like that but damn you have to be pretty comfortable to do that! Good for him. I can barely sleep naked much less that

  23. some of you people commenting on here are so fucking annoying. No one said you had to watch it, no one really cares to listen to you complain, go shove a candle down your throat and choke on the wax. Kthanksbye.

  24. some of you people commenting on here are so fucking annoying. No one said you had to watch it, no one really cares to listen to you complain, go shove a candle down your throat and choke on the wax. Kthanksbye.

  25. some of you people commenting on here are so fucking annoying. No one said you had to watch it, no one really cares to listen to you complain, go shove a candle down your throat and choke on the wax. Kthanksbye.

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