Must Watch: Baby Dances to Beyonce

You think that everyone would be sick and tired of all those "Single Ladies" dancing videos, but that's not the case. The latest craze are videos of babies doing the infamous dance. Well, after watching about what seems to be a million babies dancing to Beyonce, I've determined that this baby is the best dancer. He's one baby that I would love to spank.

– Andy

13 thoughts on “Must Watch: Baby Dances to Beyonce

  1. Well, I don’t have a baby fetish… but that guy is freakin hot!! Yeah, baby!! I would put a ring on it… a vibrating ring on it!!

  2. that was so gross… but so sexy at the same time, lol… if only he’d get rid of that diaper.. but keep the pacifier, lol.. until i fill his mouth with something else to suck on

  3. that was so gross… but so sexy at the same time, lol… if only he’d get rid of that diaper.. but keep the pacifier, lol.. until i fill his mouth with something else to suck on

  4. that was so gross… but so sexy at the same time, lol… if only he’d get rid of that diaper.. but keep the pacifier, lol.. until i fill his mouth with something else to suck on

  5. that was so gross… but so sexy at the same time, lol… if only he’d get rid of that diaper.. but keep the pacifier, lol.. until i fill his mouth with something else to suck on

  6. The real baby he’s making fun of was cuter.
    well ok he’s cute too but he’s mocking a real you tube baby post.

  7. i think i know that “real” baby dancing post you’re referring to, V-Bear..
    ..and if that is the one, then i have to say, i rather thought that baby looked fake.
    i said it.

  8. Brett I agree with u & I think he would have been so much hotter without the depends btw they looked rather loaded down 2 me

  9. yea the baby fetish and diaper is disturbing. the guy is cute but its just not cute or right. I knew I shouldnt have viewed this..ugh

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