Must Watch: California Gays

California Gays

Ryan James Yezak and his “gurls” are back with another parody and this time it’s to Katy Perry‘s #1 hit “California Gurls”. There’s a whole lot of skimpy swim trunks, rainbows and melting popsicles. Anyone else cringe a little while watching the video? I like gay parodies but this might be a bit much for me–they’re trying too hard I think… Love the song though. Thoughts?

– Andy

To watch the video, follow the JUMP:

34 thoughts on “Must Watch: California Gays

  1. Love the song but this parody might have worked tons better if they used some hairy daddy types. The little twink boy thing is so unappealing to the point that I think any older guy that finds this amusing borders on being an aging chicken hawk. (or worse) LOL

  2. lol it was better than the real music video. at least this IS california and not candy land.

  3. This is why I don’t like gay kids my age. They are so annoying and not one of those boys is attractive, yet they all think they are the hottest thing ever. Guy Branum was the only good thing about this video. And the New York part did get me to laugh.

  4. Really well done and cute. Don’t normally like this kind of twink stuff, but this one is kind of fun.

  5. Oh come on boys, I prefer meat and a grown up man as well, but sometimes for dessert a little twinkie can be tasty. Break out of the box.

  6. It’s just a bunch of young boys having some fun.

    I don’t get why it’s ok to hate on twink body types, it’s just a part of growing up that many (I would bet even most) of us go through. If it’s not your thing that’s fine, but there’s no reason to be rude. Not everyone is going to be into everything, stop trying to make the subjective into something objective.

  7. Ok So maybe it’s just me, but I feel like they included the two minorities and the big guy just to be like “Oh look,… we aren’t ‘those’ gays…”

  8. No straight-acting guys in this video, that’s for sure…lol. Still not sure if it’s a parody of the Katy Perry tune, or “poking” fun at the twink factor. Still a fun video though.

    Love it or hate it, these guys still represent one of the many dimensions of our culture.

  9. Ugh, twinks.. Even worse, twinks lip-syncing to an awful song. Okay so this is the first time I’ve heard this song, the so-called “Song of the Summer” that I guess is supposed to be like awesome or something. Its awful even by synthetic pop standards. What is wrong with people’s taste in music?

    And ditto Randal, ditto..

  10. As much as I don’t like this video I have to defend some of those twinks. I’m Caucasian (central European decent), 24, and have yet to grow any chest hair. I work out, but never create any muscle bulk even when I try. I just stay toned. I also can’t tan (can anyone say Casper?), but that’s another story.

    My point is that though I have tried to get past the twink appearance, genetics prevents me from doing so. I have accepted this and I’m happy in my body. Do I aspire to be slim and hairless? No, but I do work to keep my metabolism from catching up with my nearly sedentary lifestyle at work/school.

    While many young men decide to keep this twink facade, others like myself have no other choice but to accept it and be happy with who we are.

    For all the men that do bash us hairless, skinny men, keep in mind there are those who do not see keg-like bellies and hair coated backs as attractive. There are also those who are turned off by the muscular structure the gym bunnies sport. Everyone has unique tastes and specific turn ons/offs. All you can do is accept what you can’t change, love yourself for who you are, and reduce the negativity towards others who do not share your views or preferred physical structure.

  11. Hate Katy Perry, hate faggy queens who think they’re hot, hate overly-gay stuff that fuel NOM. But otherwise, this video was really, really terrible.

  12. I think the vid, the song,and most of all the those GOD ugly twink SUCKED !!

  13. Ok. Totally asking because I just don’t understand. What is the point of these videos? I’m sure someone will say entertainment, but I just can’t believe that these guys don’t have something better to do with their time. There must be something motivating them to make these pointless(?) videos. Can someone PLEASE enlighten me?

  14. I enjoyed the video. In fact, I think it would make a great commercial to get more gays to come to California for vacation.

  15. Gay culture allows us to be who we want to be or accept who we are. We are educated, dumber than a box of rocks, rich, poor, successful, ill-fated, twinks, gym rats, nerds, jocks, butch, effeminate. So we begrudgingly watch in amazement and cringe when the general populace watches tv footage of a gay pride parade, only to find all the gay stereotypes fulfilled right down to that last feather boa. We may not be so willing to accept the flamboyant association that stems from our culture, but we can’t dismiss the fact that it is part of the make-up of gay life for many men.

    And to the guy (Mack) who finds being a twink inescapable. Age will easily solve that “problem” for you.

  16. So I actually did like this song before, but I think this video ruined it for me. Whether theyre representative of California gays or not, these boys just put SoCal even further down on my list of places to visit than it already was.

  17. The video is gay…but cute and I thought the boys were cute, particularly the one with the asymetrical hairdo. (And this is coming from a carb-loving, beer drinking cubbish guy that typically doesn’t find twinks attractive. AT ALL.) Heck, it is a lot better than the original video. What kind of fuckery was that thing?

  18. Christian Beasley looks nasty. And he should not have been used as their featured dancer for such a large portion of the video. He makes me want to vomit every time he gyrates and it looks like a bone is about to snap, I’m thin too, but that just look bad. And whats up with his hair? Not the hair for him. Joe and Spencer are total cuties though.

  19. I’m astounded to find so many bigots in the ranks of homosexuals. Why must some folk degrade and slander the styles of others? We’re supposed to be accepting of diversity within our community. I, for one, am not a fan of flamboyant tendencies but I can appreciate another’s style.

  20. I really was wanting to know why this was done. As a professional musician, I just don’t understand this “fad”. I guess it’s supposed to be entertainment, but it just embarrasses me. I’m not hating. I just don’t get it. If I want to hear the song and see a video of it, I want it to be the original artist, not someone lip syncing to it. This is not art! Period!
    Another thought, wonder if royalties are paid by these guys to use the song and record it. Lawsuit, anyone?

  21. I am the director and editor of this music video. I am a filmmaker, a year out of college, that aspires to direct music videos by artists such as Britney Spears & Lady Gaga. Since doing that at my age & level of experience is unrealistic, I create my own music videos, such as this one. I have a passion and a what I think is a unique vision for it. I take what I do very seriously and a lot of time and hard work went into creating this music video. It is purely for entertainment, if you are not entertained by it then do not watch it anymore.

    Kindest regards,

  22. Twinks or not i think the real horror is that katy perry decided to celebrate living on the west coast. “If you decide to go jogging on an active fault line you deserve to fall in.” It’s unfortunate and by no means a conditional, but there’s just something a little….. off about people from california! It’s like talking to a new yorker after a 30 zanex/6 goose martini lunch after they fell asleep in a tanning bed due to a concussion.
    I can only pray for the day that cali rumbles off and floats away.. china can have it.

  23. As a follow up to before, at least the production quality was pretty nice and the choreography was impressive, albeit the gayest thing in the world.

  24. These guys, by any means, are not the first group to use copyrighted material in their homemade video. Amateur music videos are all over YouTube, and I believe there is a term coined for it….which escapes me at this time. Stealing? lol.

    We see jocks doing video parodies all the time, yet we give them a pass and call it either stupid or typical (and sometimes the guys are hot) of what a jock is….because that’s how everyone sees them. Straight guys acting gay. The same can be said for these gay dudes….this is how the general population sees a gay man (or chooses to see a gay man)…flamboyant. And that’s a difficult stereotype to remove seeing that to some degree, it is true. We have many gay-friendly t.v. networks such as BRAVO, TLC with gay hosts covering fashion, style, make-overs, gossip columns. Not so many (if any) covering ESPN. So there’s overwhelming support of that argument from our straight peers that this is how they see or expect gay men to follow…at least from the powerful media.

    We may not like it, but it’s a tough pill to swallow.

  25. navysausage, I agree. It’s stealing, no matter who it is.
    Ryan, just curious.. Did you pay the royalties? And, to put your mind at ease, I watched it (unfortunately) once! And that’s all I care to. I’ll give you props for filming and editing, but that’s as far as it goes.

  26. I have to agree with Dewitt. These guys tried too hard. Not fun- quite annoying actually. I know they are just being themselves. But this video is really a cliche- more likely a “Lady Gaga” audition. When you watch those Youtube lip-sync videos, you want to see something unexpected. Like your grandmas doing Britney Spears, or bears doing American Next Top Model. And where is the surprise factor in this video- besides Guy Branum? Everybody has seen how these gays act in real life: partying in tiny speedo, hooking-up while having no real jobs. Ryan, if this is how film school had taught you, come back and sue the hell out of them.

  27. I’m taking the silence from Ryan to mean that he did not pay the royalties. Number one reason we don’t have as great of music as we used to have. The good song writers got sick of not being paid for their music by the Ryan’s of the world and quit writing music.

  28. I just made the huge mistake of going to his site and watching his latest blog. Dude! Wrapping yourself in the flag? Douche.

  29. Wow, the cruelty here abounds. Sad to see. GIVE ‘EM HELL, Ryan, and keep doing what you’re doing!!

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