Lady Gaga is hot right now, there's no denying it. You can't even listen to the radio without hearing one of her songs. However, I'm not complaining because I'm addicted to The Fame Monster. With that said, I was faced with a dilemma earlier this week when I found two great parodies of "Telephone" and couldn't decide which one to feature. My solution? Feature both videos and you guys decide which one you like better.
– Andy
To watch the videos, follow the JUMP:
I would have liked to see the guys from Video #1 make Video #2.
I have to say, the little interlude was good.. with the hands. I liked that a lot.
I think the first one. The “Beyonce” in the 2nd one looks a little more like Jennifer Lopez to me.
The second one was garbage…
Base on presentation, definately video #2. It’s like watching a real music video. Video #1, A for effort.
the second one was hilarious! i think these kinds of videos are funny if several people are involved, but kinda pathetic if it’s only one or even two.
the only problem with vid 2 was that beyonce wasn’t dancing circles around lady gaga. so funny though
I voted for video #1 before I even watched the second one.
Not like it matters but I change my vote.
I agree with Sean, the hot guys from #1 doing the choreography in video #2? Jizz in my pants.
Wow the sheer gayness of these videos should be compared to the epic explosion of Hiroshima! lol
But i think the dudes in vid1 got it good
I think they captured the bizarreness that is usually in a GaGa Vid.
first had better video direction but just… no outfit crazyness… the crazyness of the 2nd vid just makes it fit more.