Have you ever talked to a guy online and then when you met him in person, he wasn't what you expected? Yeah, it has happened to me plenty of times. Well, if it has happened to you also then you would enjoy the video which reveals the truth behind online profiles. Of course none of that applies to Manhunt because all our members are truthful about their profiles… right?
– Andy
To watch the video, follow the JUMP:
loves it
Hahahahaha….That was THE funniest thing I’ve seen in ages!
That actually did make me laugh.
Just good to see someone making fun of us with out being mean I guess. We all either have been in the situation of meeting someone that was way off from the profile or maybe been the person making the profile cause face it men when you are no longer in your mid/early 20’s you are not a boy or a twink.
Keep things like this coming ANDY.
All too true…Bwahahahahahahaha, loved it!
I loved this part in “The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green”. Great movie 🙂 and fantastic point.
Ooohhhhh….sooo uncomfortably awkward, yet soooo true and funny.
tooo funny!!!!
safe and sane…
“I loved this part in “The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green”. Great movie 🙂 and fantastic point.”
thank you, i couldnt remember where ive seen this from
atlas: “where I’ve seen this from”? Cardinal Rule- Never end a sentence with a proposition…er, preposition.
As to the video- Andy can’t TRULY believe that nobody on Manhunt would do this- if that were true, there would only be bout 50 members – and they would never get together because there would only be one in each state!
So true
no fats.
No Fems.
nasty comments for a “saint”- guess he must have the perfect body…