People always ask me why I ever bother writing about music on Manhunt Daily, when all our readers seem to care about are big flopping dicks, hungry round butts and naked male celebrities. The honest answer? It’s a habit I can’t kick. Before selling my soul to Manhunt and becoming a professional smut peddler, I devoted a decent portion of my time to my own little music blog. I’d cover an eclectic mix of tunes—indie rock, electro-pop, hip-hop, folk, R&B, country and, yes, even a dash of mainstream radio pop every now and then.
Some people act like it’s a crime to be a gay man who likes pop music. “How typical!” they say, shaming you for bopping in your chair to a stellar Beyoncé remix (like this one) or One Direction‘s blatantly mindless new single. While I can’t say I’m necessarily innocent when it comes to judging people for what they like—see Steve Grand for a recent example—it’s so fucking dumb that music, of all things, causes so much elitism within the gay community. Don’t we have much, much, much more important things to worry about? The battle for our rights isn’t over just because some of us can get married and DOMA was overturned. People are still being thrown out of their houses for liking dick. People are being killed and beaten for liking dick.
And here we are arguing about the cultural relevance of Madonna, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.
I guess it’s hilarious for me to go down that route, and then tell you that you should care about a dumb pop song by Natalia Kills. If all of this shit is so important, why don’t I write about that? Well, here’s another honest answer—it’s a total boner kill. I try my best to keep things light and happy around here, because I realize that most of you are visiting this blog with erections or the intention to achieve an erection. Some of you are clicking directly through from Manhunt. Some of you are not. For the former group, I like to respect that bloody faces and stories about homophobia might not put you in the mood to get laid.
A song like “Saturday Night” is completely inoffensive, potentially catchy and might get you slow-twerking while you’re reading this blog. It’s a nice wake-up call for my brain to write about it and state that it’s the best effort Natalia Kills has ever put forward, propelling her beyond Gaga wannabe or total try-hard. And, hell, even for a whore like me, it’s a bit much to stare at gaping holes while I’m sipping my first mug of coffee.
This, I suppose, is why I write about music on Manhunt Daily. It’s an escape from the real world, a break from all the heavily sexual imagery I have to look at all day. Even if I have to play second fiddle to a cheap hack like Boulangerié Knowles, I’ll probably continue writing about music for the duration of my time with this blog, no matter how much you don’t care about it. I hope you’re okay with that. (If not, you can suck my dick and gargle my cum.)
– Dewitt
Allow me to shut up and present you with the damn song already:
If you dig this, grab a free download of the Lovelife remix at The Hairpin.
Don’t know where you got this idea that all gay men “like dick”, it’s a really bad stereotype that I find really reductive and counterproductive. I’m gay because I like men, not because I like dick, I never pay attention to a man’s dick just like most bottoms won’t care about a guy’s ass. It’s just one body part among many others!
Your sexual partners are persons, not just pieces of genitalia lined up together.
Also about that song, I have 2 things to say : “Blah”, and there is no second thing actually :p
Worrying about people in Russia and Uganda is very all nice, while you locally promote bareback sex in a community where HIV is rampant, and aren’t particularly adamant about conveying any kind of safe sex message ( you even removed that little disclaimer) that kind of defeats the purpose of your so-called activism!!There’s this old saying ” Charity starts at home”.
I’m pretty bored with the “civil rights” gay movement in the US , they did use the DOMA repeal (which isn’t that big of a deal when you really look into it) to divert from the other huge news of that day which was Snowden’s leaks (WAY more important).
Also if you have been bullied your whole life , my suggestion is that you don’t enroll in a structure that’s mostly about bullying others and sometimes killing them ( hint : DADT and gays in the army) even if you are not the one making the decisions.
Plus, Perez Hilton got a kid…that’s pretty horrible, and it had to be mentioned.
This is a fantastic single. I thought Natalia Kills was destined to be a Gaga wanna be, but, with this song at least, she has found her voice. I love the beat and the lyrics. This is the song of the summer for me. Other queens can have Miley, I’ll take Natalia. At least until the new Gaga single drops.
Amen to that! I would suck a few dicks to get this song playing on the radio, so it can overtake Robin Thicke, Daft Punk and Miley on the charts.
I don’t know how anyone can be waiting “for the new Gaga single to drop.” If anyone has overstayed her welcome and outlived her 15 minutes of “Fame”, it’s that freak (along with Adam Lambert). I was a total fan when her first album hit, but she quickly became a Saturday Night Live joke and a caricature of herself. And as for this single, it’s pretty blah.
It was a joke. You are just proving Dewitt’s point though. Music is so subjective, so it surprises me when people attack others for liking what they like.
I love the song, but wow – nipples. Her nipples transfixed me.
This is an amazing song and video!! I have been sharing it for weeks now. I am so glad you mentioned it on here. It is fantastic!
forget any negative comments – I love the music updates posted on here, it’s actually one of the main reasons I keep coming back! I can get my porn fix anywhere but here I find new music as well so keep it coming!
Your new avatar is my favorite thing in the world.
Awww! It’s always so nice to hear people say that. Right now, I’m trying to find the proper balance between the quality of music and the sexiness of these posts, after I saw how well Boulangerie Knowles’ entries do for mentioning “DICK” in the title. We’ll see how that works out.
anyone who thinks this single is “blah” didn’t listen to the lyrics at all
You should be proud of yourself, actually. When Mirror’s came out, you posted a blog about it. That was the first time I had ever heard of Natalia, and I was instantly transfixed. She’s amazing, and the fact she isn’t as famous as she should be is a travesty.
I absolutely love your music updates and have discovered quite a number of great artists through you, Dewitt…keep it up (yes, in both senses…)!!!
You warm my heart, Pete. Thanks for the love.
Thanks for continuing to write about music on here. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t know about Kimbra, Lykke Li, and Pawws, and I thank you, legitimately, for that.
Right? I’ve been pumping Miss Natalia Kills since last week!
Her parents probably aren’t thrilled with that song or video, though.
So after posting this on Facebook to get a few DJ buddies to start playing it, guess who I find out will be headlining Philly’s Boys of Summer party next weekend? That’s right, I’ll be seeing Natalia live! Woohoo!!
Fantastic news! Let me know if she puts on a good show.