New Form of Torture For Iraqi Gays

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The story of gay life in Iraq is one of increasing tragedy and terror. On top of assassination, police brutality and honor killings, a new form of torture involving human glue and anuses is emerging.

The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission(IGLHRC) published a translation of an article from an Arabic website that details the new form of torture:

"A prominent Iraqi human rights activist says that Iraqi militia have
deployed a painful form of torture against homosexuals by closing their
anuses using 'Iranian gum.' … Yanar Mohammad told that, 'Iraqi militias have deployed an unprecedented form of torture against
homosexuals by using a very strong glue that will close their anus.'

According to her, the new substance 'is known as the Ameri gum,
which is an Iranian-manufactured glue that if applied to the skin,
sticks to it and can only be removed by surgery. After they glue the
anuses of homosexuals, they give them a drink that causes diarrhea.
Since the anus is closed, the diarrhea causes death. Videos of this
form of torture are being distributed on mobile cellphones in Iraq.'"

The founder of Iraqi LGBT confirms this form of torture is being used, “I talked to many young men who have been tortured by this method.
They went to the hospital for treatment and in some cases they were
refused treatment.”

What do you guys think of this news? And what can we do about it?

– Andy

13 thoughts on “New Form of Torture For Iraqi Gays

  1. Hahahahahhahahahahahhaha!
    Maybe I’m a little twisted,
    I’m sorry, but I just found that hilarious…
    Bring on the flood of “your a horrible person”, and the “how would you like that happen to you” comments…

  2. This is absolutely horrendous!!! You know we should take all of those homophobic so called hetero-sexual torturers doing this and do the same thing to them. I am too angry right now to even bring myself to explain how upset hearing this has made me, and how someone like “Marc” kind find such a thing hilarious. I mean even if it didn’t kill them, to have surgery on one of the most if not the most sensitive areas of your body, you could no longer be able to experience pleasure from anal sex again. I can’t believe no only the U.S. Government or any Gov for that matter hasn’t stepped into to end this. They’ll come in to save a captain from pirates, but not gay/homosexuals from tortures, it’s absurd, and literally killing people with their lack of effort or concern.

  3. What can we do about it, well for one, there is little to no public awareness of this. We need mainstream public awareness of this, before their can be a large enough amount of outcry for the elected officials to get off their ass to do something. Nothing makes them do something to correct this like public outcry. My opinion at least.

  4. I feel sick.
    “Videos… distributed on mobile cellphones.”
    “… refused treatment.”
    Are you FUCKING kidding me?
    Sadly, I’ve actually achieved a brand new depth of contempt for humanity upon reading about this newfound level of crazed depravity.
    To know that people are dying from this kind of treatment. DYING?!
    This isn’t some silly-assed ‘American Pie’ incident involving mild discomfort and embarrassment, this is fucking MURDER!

  5. Wow, as much as I loathe the knee-jerk reactions from screaming queens a la perez hilton, this is a sad state of affairs for these iraqi gays, and worth lending a voice in objection to these atrocities. Sadly, Iraqis may have liberties afforded them that they didn’t have before OEF, but they remain far from liberated. It remains to be seen how Iraqis will govern themselves given the seeds of democracy that were given them. This is tragic, and another example as to what extent human life is valued or devalued.

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