Did anyone else watch this season of Real Housewives? Once I heard it was New Jersey I knew I had to tune in. One of the most interesting and hated characters was Danielle, whose checkered past became the biggest source of drama on the show. I even hated her, until she defended the gays!
One of the tackier bitch's (Theresa) husband made some gay jokes and Danielle stepped up big time, which really redeemed her in my eyes. Even the host, Andy Cohen, had to agree with her. Check out the clip and if you haven't seen this season, do it!
Hey Theresa, having gay friends doesn't mean you can go around calling people "gaylords"!
– Andy
Thank you, Randy Cohen! Saying something is gay, or someone is gay (when they are not), is a way to assign a negative meaning to an otherwise value neutral term. It may not be homophobic, but it is offensive. How would black people love to hear something called “that’s so n**ger” or “he’s so n**ger”. Not cool. I get that it’s not as overt as calling someone gay, but that’s where brains and a bit of sensitivity comes in (things some of these Jersey bitches don’t have). I don’t agree with how bold Danielle is on some things, but her heart is in the right place calling these catty wenches out.
I don’t think anyone is going to watch this and think Danielle is some Garden State Harvey Milk, and actually, I didn’t find her particularly profound. I rather liked the casual way Randy Cohen said, “Well, I’m gay, and I found that offensive.”
Yes, it’s Bravo, not ESPN, but BFD, I think that willingness to step up and out so casually is far more meaningful than some reality flavor of the week pursing her Botoxed lips and saying, “Well, I have a gay best friend.” Get in line, Danielle.
I personally never saw the show, but I was already annoyed by all the other housewives trying to talk it up to being about nothing. Especially the one that says “next subject please”. I mean, come on. The girl defending her husband (Theresa) was obviously just trying to make it seem like he wasn’t as hateful as he really is cause they’re on TV. I don’t believe it though.
Also, it’s Andy Cohen, not Randy. 🙂
Loved the show. I watched every episode multible times. I am proud of it, and am “so” gay. Andy over-reacted on the “gay” reference.
Teresa is great. Tried not to like her with that accent, but she is real, and tells it like it is. Love her style too. Love the green dress, her jewlery, her house, and at the reunion and infamous dinner, I loved her hair style as well. She over-indulges her daughters, but that is her business. No one I know has figured out the parenting thing yet, with any guaranteed success.
Danielle has a “gay friend.” Who doesn’t? Danielle is self-promoting. We know she is available, gives blowjobs “but not everyday,” and did something so bad that the matriarch Carolyn cried. And they don’t tell us what it is!!!
I think Danielle probably leaked the “book” herself, so that she could be cool or the center of attention. I’ve been arrested. Who hasn’t? I’ve snorted coke. Who hasn’t? I’ve been gang-banged. Who hasn’t?
I was once married to a woman who had an Italian closeted lesbian mother. I get it!
I was mortified right along with Dena, and that is why I watched it over and over again. I doubt that Dena’s 13 year old daughter needed to hear that Danielle felt gang-banged at the dinner.
Don’t feel that you need to be uppity. Enjoy shows for what they are. I was uppity until I started watching all the housewives. Such unfamiliar territory for a person like me, that the shows offer pure escapism. I am somewhat sick of plunging necklines and cleavages, however.
I am the only person that didn’t like “The Osbourns,” but I simply changed the channel.
Where is spell-check?