This doesn’t sound like she’s desperate for a hit at all. Not at all! Ladies and gentlemen (but mostly just gentlemen), welcome to the era of Nicki Minaj‘s career where she’s forced to deal with the consequences of a mega-hit like “Super Bass”.
Now that record executives are wise to the fact that she’s capable of a pop crossover, our ears are left susceptible to mindless drivel like this instead of awesome rap verses like this. Will the public latch on to “Starships”? Or will they be smart enough to realize that it’s essentially a rehash of every pop song on the radio right now? It’s yet to be determined.
– Dewitt
I think this woman is a disgusting, grotesque clown and whatever she puts out as so-called music is horrible. Her appearance, costume, and performance on the Grammys Sunday night were offensive.
and what exactly was offensive? the reference to an exorcism that was pretty dang accurate to those that used to be performed on the “possessed” back in the day? or was it the fact that she was the only performer who did more than stand on stage and sing a song? Just wondering.
I have to say, I think she’s a phenomenal rapper. I love her verses on other people’s tracks and one or 2 of her own songs (Roman’s Revenge and Did It On ‘Em) but it’s shit like Superbass and this that will always give Lil Kim a deep well to pull from anytime she wants to insult her.
…how ’bout her over-inflated breasts, her phony blond hair, her overt wishing she were white or she wouldn’t look that way, her vulgar mannerisms, offensive lyrics, affront to religion, lack of any musical sensibility…shall I go on? I’m sure she obviously appeals to a lot of people, but I’m not one of them. Personally, I think she is one of the most appalling and offensive performers on the music scene today. You don’t have to agree with me. That’s just my opinion.
She is talentless
Dont get it
It’s funny that you mentioned her “singing” because if you really bought into the hype of her performance, then you’re ignoring the lip syncing and classless gyrating that comprised her “performance”.
If that’s what I want to see, I’ll go to a strip club.
Doesn’t play for me. I loved Super Bass and after Googling this to hear it, I kinda like it as a dance mix. Yes it sounds different than her other stuff but any performer should truly be capable of more than just one sound over and over. They all have to start somewhere and find what works for them and their fans. Personally I love the cartoonish look she works with all the wigs and costumes. She seems like she’d be fun to hang out.
no your fucking talentless
She is a joke