This is ridic. Kansas’ Bethany College golf team was suspended (by their own coach!) for appearing in a team photo butt ass nekkid. Well, they had their clubs hiding junk but that was it. Coach Joe Hardy (who is also the Lutheran college’s athletics director) stated that it was “a case of young people who just don’t think beyond the moment and don’t realize who they’re hurting.”
The US is SO weird. You can show people getting shot in the face and women being raped on network television, but at the first hint of dick – everyone clutches their rosary beads. Violence is fine, but people’s bodies are dirty and must be hidden at all costs.
The only person hurting here is me, because I can’t find a bigger version of this masterpiece. Some of the Fighting Swedes (that’s the team’s name) look hot!
The team got the idea from this pic of the UCLA men’s golf team from 2004. And it’s a GREAT idea.
For pics of more nude sports teams, Follow the JUMP:
For me, it’s not nude unless you show penis.
That’s ridiculous. I went to University in Britain, and one of the FIRST things that comes to mind when a sports team is trying to raise money is to make a ‘naked calendar.’ We did it on the rowing team for my Uni. Nobody things badly of it there, it’s totally normal.
F*ck the US.
yep we in europe are so confused about how conservative you guys in the USA are!
amazing really
just make sure that doesn’t show up after you got that Super job 🙂 oink
I’m glad that someone commented on the weird hypocrisy of the USA: murder, bloodshed, rape, and mayhem are almost celebrated. But a bit of film or video with the least hint of male genitalia ‘ist verboten’!
We are ruled by a cartel of religious control freaks.
Here’s a larger version, it’s the biggest one I could find –
AMEN…barely see any male butt here on tv/movies..let alone any meat and it’s so brief it’s not funny…but isn’t it much different when it comes to women’s boobs falling out or flopping around and it’s not a problem! Any type of violence/crime, F word, B word, drug use or anything else goes…but lord forbid….male anatomy…so funny that a country as “civilized” and advanced supposedly and things remain as in the dark ages/way behind the times….
It’s only wrong because the catholic preist didn’t get to se them first(naked).
Un cuerpo desnudo siempre es bello.
For the record it’s not everyone in the USA. Just the pricks who control what’s acceptable to be seen in the media.
si, estoy de acuerdo, “Un cuerpo desnudo siempre es bello”.
I don’t see anything wrong (?) All hands are present and accounted for, lol
The Dieux De Stade guys bare all annually, for a good cause (other than providing good quality entertainment). Aside their calendar, they publish video of the shooting.
America’s shyness about male beauty is the fruit of their insecurity about sex and sexuality. The nation mainly consists of frightened people clinging to nationalism in an effort to recover some morale, hints of anything that is not the ‘perfect American family’ are aggressively denied existence.
It’s very immature and Europe is laughing.
BTW the coach/ad’s name is Jon Daniels not Joe Hardy . . . and, no joke, the team captain’s name is Jack Hiscock
“The US is SO weird. You can show people getting shot in the face and
women being raped on network television, but at the first hint of dick –
everyone clutches their rosary beads.”
I was born in the Bible belt of, grew up in, and still (unfortunately) live in the, and I’ve never understood the violent knee-jerk reaction that conservatives and many progressive here have about nudity and sex. Many still believe that youth won’t think about sex until their marriage night (one man, one woman) if they never see a naked body part, and that sex is this nasty filthy thing that you do only with someone you love eternally (and most don’t see the irony in that statement).
Well golf is not normally a sport I’d get turned on by but some of those guys look hot and they could get a hole in one with me anytime!!!!!
It’s time puritanical fundamentalism was shown for what it is, a way of controlling the masses either by media or in teachings, you can look at it both ways, it even sounds and looks like christians and muslims have so much in common don’t you think?????
Ok… First of all, these guys are knowingly going to a Christian College. It doesn’t take much of a brain to figure that a nude photo would go against College rules. “Ruled by a cartel of religious control freaks”…. Really? So let me get this straight (pardon the pun)… They are supposed to be open minded towards us, but we sure as hell can’t be open minded to what they believe? It’s their College, their rules. The team had to know before signing on the dotted line of the contract what the rules were. If they didn’t want to follow those rules, maybe they should have found a different college to attend.
agreed. It’s a Lutheran College, what were they thinking. The coach and college administration really had no choice.
You forget to mention that a Team captain’s name is JACK HISCOCK. the team captain site at the college is
Gee, I can’ t decide which sport to go out for! Golf? Rugby?…..
the coach is pissed because the guys on the team would not allow the coach to play!!!!!!!
My dad went to Bethany in the 40s, and maintained ties there until his death. It doesn’t surprise me that these guys got into trouble. Bethany is _extremely_ conservative. As close to fundamentalist as you can get without being fundamentalist.
yes, it all seems so ridiculous, but Mat is right.
I didn’t know Lutherans had penises. I thought that was one of the things they dropped during the Reformation. Do Presbyterians have them?