Obama Gives Gays A Shout-Out During NAACP Speech

President Barack Obama gave an outstanding speech to the NAACP on their 100th anniversary. When talking about discrimination he even gave the gay community a bit of a shout-out. Here's the full quote:

"African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a different gender. By Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own country. By Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their God. By our gay brothers and sisters, still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights."

The gay line actually got the biggest applause, which is a great sign. Of course, these are just words and action has yet to follow but it makes me feel a little warm inside.

Check out the video and let me know your thoughts.

– Andy

11 thoughts on “Obama Gives Gays A Shout-Out During NAACP Speech

  1. Trash! Actions speak much louder than words… What´s the deal with Don’t Ask Don´t Tell? As Chief Commander he could order a moratorium ’til it’s undone. And on the question of equal rights, wasn’t his administration the same which promised to revoke DOMA and then went and filed a brief in court defending it and equating gay marriage to incest? This guy is like the highschool girl whose new in school and uses the gay kid to learn the ropes and become popular. Once she dates the star jock, it’s good riddance to the “fag” who helped her get there… He doesn’t believe in equality when he’s not affected, he’s clearly said so himself when asked about gay marriage. The thing is he’s the worst kind of bigot, the one who conceals it by being a liberal…

  2. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call him a bigot. His words are probably genuine, but, he’s gotta be careful not to alienate the religious factions that hold alot of influence/support

  3. “And on the question of equal rights, wasn’t his administration the same which promised to revoke DOMA and then went and filed a brief in court defending it and equating gay marriage to incest?”
    On OutQ, Michaelangelo had an interview with a gay advocate (cant remember his name) who recently had a sit-down talk with Obama. He said Obama was pissed off about the DOMA arguements used by the Attorney General. He only found out about it afterwards.
    Have patience. They are trying to go about fixing things the right/legal way. Changing DADT is in the works both in Congress and at the Pentagon. If they are seen as railroading this thru, it will backfire.

  4. I read these posts – so angry with Obama for not having catapulted the issues of gays to the top of his agenda (never mind the economy, unemployment, education, health care, foreign affairs – as if those don’t affect gays too) within the first five months of his presidency – and all of the over-the-top bitching and moaning that has ensued leaves me shaking my head and thinking “what the fuck?” You whiny, myopic kids need to grow up. I’m gay, I’m a gay rights activist, and even I am tired of hearing you guys’ shit.

  5. I’m throwing in with “just saying” above me. Do you think the way it works is that Obama just waltzes in the door, and says “this is how it’s gonna be” – and suddenly it happens? C’mon folks… you should’ve known it was going to take some time for everything to sort out. He’s got eight years of Bush to undo in the midst of the worst economy we’ve seen in years.
    As for the Justice Department brief – let’s be careful not to ascribe those words to the man himself. Our government is a HUGE operation. The largest employer in the nation, as a matter of fact. Not every scrap of paper that the government produces goes past the president for approval before it heads out the door.

  6. This is the only time where Democrats own the House and Senate. The golden opportunity is now, lets not be PATIENT, lets not be delusional. THE BEST TIME FOR GAY RIGHTS IS NOW!!!

  7. I guess you are right… After all, it was patience that ended slavery, gave everyone the right to vote, ended miscegenation laws, and gave us civil rights. After all, why not continue to subject ourselves to the tyranny of the majority. For many, being a second-class citizen is the story of their life, and thus can sit back and wait patiently… But for some of us (and yes, mostly younger gays), the time has come to take the front seat and say enough is enough. We took it from Bush because we knew where he stood. What makes this stink much worse is the fact that a guy who relied HEAVILY on the gay population to raise fundas and get elected has thrown us under the bus. But you’re right, asking for him to honor his promises or not dig the hole deeper is childish, whiny and mostly immature… Good luck to you, I hope when this does go through you will still be willing to wait patiently until those who pushed for the change benefit from it first.

  8. You stupid sheep…it’s just words, why is the gay community so easily placated by meaningless words? As Commander-In-Chief, a president can do anything he wishes with his troops. With one signiture Harry Truman integrated the Armed Forces. Bill Clinton and now Obama could do the same for gays but they won’t. But you blind sheep sit there and applaud. Such idiots.

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