On the eve of the National Equality March, President Barack Obama will be speaking at the Human Rights Campaign's annual dinner in Washington D.C. With many individuals growing tired of his inaction on gay issues, we sincerely hope that his speech will include big news on ENDA or a DADT repeal. Guess we'll have to wait to find out!
– Dewitt
**Waits for the somehow conservative gay to post a nasty remark about Obama and then say “Its not because he’s black, I swear!”**
Watch the new SNL skit about Obama’s many accomplishments, mainly “jack” and “squat” (their words, not mine). Those damn NYC Palin-lovers.
I am sick of all the BULLSHIT about Gay issue’s gays r not concerned with high unemployment,health care, Iraq,Afghanistan wars, global warming list goes on & on . These r all issue that everyone gay,straight or what ever should be concerned about . So 2 all the Obama’s not doing enough on gay issue ( whiners ) take a FUCKING pill !!!