Olympic Skier Is Gay/Pretty Hot

So this is all over the blogs today, but I had never heard of Gus Kenworthy until now. I’m not nuts for the Olympics and the international money-wasting competition it’s become in the last few decades. But BOY am I glad they exist when dudes like Gus roll out of their ranks and become noteworthy in their own right.

If you haven’t read it yet, Kenworthy came out yesterday during an interview on ESPN, and then posted this message on Facebook:

I am gay.

Wow, it feels good to write those words. For most of my life, I’ve been afraid to embrace that truth about myself. Recently though, I’ve gotten to the point where the pain of holding onto the lie is greater than the fear of letting go, and I’m very proud to finally be letting my guard down.

Awesome man. Good for you.

Go check out this Towle Road post that lines up some of Gus’ sexiest Instagram posts in celebration. I promise it’s worth the click/scroll. He is suuuuuuuper cute.




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