RACIST! We could write a post about anything, and someone would eventually figure out a way to fling out that word and turn it into a debate about race. This isn’t a complaint on our part (except when you guys are legitimately racist assholes). It’s merely an observation!
Honestly, whether you choose to ignore it or not, there’s still a disturbing amount of racism within the gay community. But did you know that there’s a problem with racism in the feline community as well? Enlighten yourself with this moderately pointless internet video.
– Dewitt
To watch this video, follow the JUMP:
(via Urlesque)
LOL! That was great
Nice CGI graphics! Kudos to Dewitt for pointing out racism in the gay community!
There is racism in the gay community? All this time I thought it was just a “preference”. That word will always be tossed around whether warranted or not because there isn’t an open dialogue for people to openly talk about race. At least in a mature manner. People just go through life seeing others as reflections of people they’ve met and not as individuals.
That video seemed faked. lol.
The jump ( pix ) had me cracking up . What a great way of putting a comic face ( although no laughing matter ) on a very serious issue
Ugh. Leo just because someone doesn’t prefer a certain race sexually doesn’t mean they hate that race.
I also hate that people think if you don’t like Obama it means you’re racist. Maybe people don’t like him cause he’s an overall terrible person and president.
That cat, however, is racist!
Trust me. There is definate racism in the gay community. Especially here in the south. My ex for example, loves throwing around the “N” word. I want to alternately deck him and throw up everytime I hear it. I admit to it being a common part of the vernacular when I was growing up. However, I grew up and grew out of it. Now, I won’t even be friends with anyone that is so small minded that they have to use any racist monikers. It is just disgusting and shows lack of education and rampant intolerance.
You know what really gets on my nerves? I have experienced so much more racism from African Americans than any other group. Yes, I know all ethnic groups are guilty of it, but overwhelming it seems to come from blacks, both gay and straight.
I have heard of so many instances of young black men saying racist and homophobic slurs at white/latino/asian men around DC than any other group. Most (if not all) of these gay bashings around DC have come from black men. And then people wonder why so many people are afraid of black men. Have you ever heard of white gay men bashing straight black men?
In fact, I have NEVER had a problem with any other group besides the anti-gay hostility coming from black men, both gay and straight. Even in clubs and bars, I am more likely to hear little snickers and attitudes from black gay men. Thats why it really bothers me that so many black men have this “victim” attitude as if they are totally void of any responsibility.
@Randal how is Obama a terrible person? He’s highly educated, good leader, and he has common sense.
BUSH (and his entire family) on the otherhand were complicit in alot of evil things that have been happening around the world for decades…
Clinton had prior knowledge of the Hutu/Tutsi conflict and did nothing about it. He also conspired with rich Haitian Creoles to pick a president that they could control and set up sweatshops allover the country. And to this day he is still handpicking leaders that he wants in power. He wants the president of the dominican republic to make key decisions bout what to do in the country as far as clean up is concerned.
so who really has blood on their hands?
That video was definately not my cup of tea… There are so many videos of cats doing cute, funny, silly things on youtube and this one was the chosen one?
and the guy who was holding the pics was asian, does he not think people are racist against asians?
Oh Jon, get out a little more. Come to the south for a change. You’ll see what some guys are talking about.
@Jon “Have [I] ever heard of white gay men bashing straight black men?”
No but what I have heard of is [white] people like you that think they have had it rough.
“Thats why it really bothers me that so many black men have this “victim” attitude as if they are totally void of any responsibility.”
You know what really bothers me? The denial of the history of institutionalized oppression that exists in the US by people in the dominant group. If you are going to say that “so many black men” play the role of the victim so often and that’s a bad thing, why are you trying to play the victim yourself? “Playing” the victim is never the right thing to do, but the only person “playing” the victim here, is you.
Oh god, not another race debate. Prejudice is out there PERIOD. I don’t see why argue about it ALL races do it. Yeah these preferences may be stupid but they just prove that that one person is shallow and why do you want a shallow person? Anyway I’m sooo over this subject.
Your right Tommy, but it’s still a subject people should be able to discuss. It will always be there because people are afraid to talk about it. Gawd forbid we discuss more than dicks on here. lol
What bothers me most is the insistence on the part of some that there is such a thing as “the gay community.”
@Jon Neither yourself nor your argument make sense. Blacks are 13% of the United States population and whites are like 60-70% so where are you going to meet so many black men because statistically you should be coming into contact with more whites than blacks.
Unless you are of African descent or you were adopted by African Descedent parents, then you can’t speak on the Black community or its customs.
And as for your argument about aggresive black males:
Harvey Milk was kilt by a white guy…
And of course when Scott Amedure appeared on Jenny Jones and professed his love for Johnathon Schmitz, Schmitz kilt him. oh and Schmitz was white btw
We all know Matthew Shepard was kilt by whites.
And recently a young black man was severly beaten by Keil Cronauer and Christopher Stanzel* because they thought he was winking at them.
(*both of whom happen to be marines. which means they are supposed to protect the public and insure their safety)
With all those examples listed above why do you insist on demonizing Black men. NewsFlash: NOONE CARES WHAT YOU DO IN YOUR BEDROOM! WHO are you personally to think that people would waste their valuable time on you? seriously… Maybe you’re giving off a disrespectful/holier than thou vibe and Black men zero in on it and mess with you because of it?
If you are feeling so threatened maybe you should carry a can of pepper spray and a rape whistle as you sashay about town?
@af, Your argument holds no water. Blacks comment on the white community, so why can’t the white community comment on the black?
I’m with Randal (Surprise, surprise). Obama is killing this country, and he’s enjoying doing it. OH NO! I’m racist!!! NOT!!!!!!!
@AF…..read my post asshat…I said Washington,DC. Thats where I come in most contact with them. Have you ever rode the Metro in DC? Young thugs love making a scene in and around the stations.
Have you forgot:
The Ecuadoran immigrant who was killed in Brooklyn, N.Y. by two black males bc they thought he was gay?
The murder of Tony Randolph who was killed outside a DC gay bar by black men…
and many more bashings by black men who like to single out gay men in DC…
Or the extremely homophobic nature of hip hop and raggae music that so many blacks idolize…
Once again, I’m not excusing any of the homophobia caused by whites, but you can’t ignore ( you said it yourself…13% of the pop.) seems to be creating a severely disproportionate amount of anti-gay crime.
What do you mean by “messing with” You think it’s ok to assualt someone else bc they look gay?There is no excuse for becoming the victim of a hate crime. Even the queeniest of gay men should be able to do as they please without fear of violence. Are you saying that by appearing gay they are asking for it? Gimme a break…
And If you feel so victimized maybe you need to get ahold of Jesse Jackson…
It’s interesting at how where we live and who we encounter/don’t encounter on a daily basis impacts our views on race so strongly. In reality we all have to know the country as a whole has a homophobic problem. Your gonna run into assholes of every race, everywhere.
@Jon I don’t feel victimized/attacked in the least. You made it seem as if you were scared to walk out of your front door, so i simply made a suggestion as to what might alleviate some of that fear.
and your own arguments betrays you. in both attacks that you mentioned neither victim was white, they were Black and Latino. So what do you have to be afraid of?
Newsflash: KIDS ARE loud! if you’re riding public transport you’re going to encounter a broad swath of people from all walks of life.
How do Black people idolize Rap/Reggae when whites are the major consumers of Rap/Reggae?! It is marketed toward White Americans and the stereotypes that they see Blacks/Latinos as…
If you want to lash out at anything, why not lash out at television shows that promote homophobic things?
I was watching an episode of the office earlier and it was littered with anti-gay lines.
and what about three’s company? jack played gay and mr. roper treated him as if he were some type of freak. and THAT show was on the air in the 70s, a long time before the masses were exposed to rap/hiphop.
@Tam anyone can comment on anything that they want. however if you don’t have experience or firsthand knowledge of something then you should keep your mouth shut less you sound foolish…
minorities live in a country in which they see whites everywhere: stores, unversity, television, etc. they are forced to learn to navigate between their own culture and the white culture if they want to succeed. minorities also get to see a more complete picture of white society even if it’s just through the television; you’ll see whites as doctors, business owners, stay at home parents, teachers, etc. but the only portrayal we see of Blacks is as drug dealers, Latinos as hyper-sexual drunks, Asians as nerds, etc.
So if those are the only images that you see of minority races how can you comment on that culture in its entirety? and the point is that you can’t…
@tam Obama isn’t the first president to “kill” this country and he won’t be the last. it’s basically like a gangbang and it’s Obama turn. let him dump his load and then you can vote for the next person that you want as president…
y’know, Leo?
i’m feeling kinda tired…
…i don’t think i have the energy to explain certain things to people whose minds are already set.
(i’m sure you’re waiting for me, tam.
even though you’re supposed to be trying your damnédest to ignore me, at this time.)
for now, i’ll leave it at this: Jon, i won’t pretend that a large number of blacks don’t do shitty things.
as long as you acknowledge that a large number of whites do shitty things, too, elsewhere in this country (and, ironically, right in your neck of the woods, but only behind Closed Doors), then i won’t go ahead and label you “biased.”
tam: white people have the right to criticize/censure those black people who misbehave.
i even believe in Personal Responsibility — if you choose to believe that i do, or not.
but.. ..i can’t help but shake the feeling that some of our brothers and sisters (or “sistren,” depending on my mood) truly aren’t able to control themselves, completely.
(´sorta like, y’know, they have undiagnosed mental illnesses.)
and, regarding black people, specifically: why is it, that all of them don’t act the same, as how one might witness them in poor, urban areas?
seemingly, these Ghettos, and Projects, etc., are hostile to positive human growth, for most who have the misfortune to “live” there.
regardless of ethnicity or nationality.
what could have happened, to cause this?
were some black people always “that way”?
weren’t some member of the Caucasian Tribe the first, original, “gangsters,” from which blacks had eventually copied their style and “advanced” it, over the decades?
if you, or anyone else, are able to correctly disprove my conjectures (conjectures, not Assertions of Fact), then i’ll humbly, and readily, give my kudos to you.
in the meantime: at least the cat itself was implicitly censured for its racist “tendencies.”
obviously a cat can’t know enough to harbour prejudices for a black person, irregarding whom that individual is..
..and, if i am not mistaken, Cats are functionally colour-blind, anyway.
it’s the rare kitty, then, who’d have a psychologic fear of hues of brown.
@ Af.. my arguments betray me? Just because the victims weren’t white? Thats not the point. The point is young black men are by and large committing crime much more than any other ethnic group. Even in area where blacks are in the minority they are more likely to end up in jail. Even though they make up 6-7% of the population, they account for more than half the prison population.Why is that? Is EVERY single police officer in America racist? The truth hurts. There is a problem in the African American community that needs to be addressed. And we aren’t going to get any where if blacks keeping calling everyone a racist who brings up problems in their community. It is counter productive and ignoring the problem…
Also, how can you even began to judge of what I have/ haven’t seen and what I am allowed/not allowed to say when you don’t even know my ethnic background? According to you, only black people are allowed to talk about racism. It’s a two way street…
@Af….one more thing…. Kids are annoying and loud. Yeah, I get that. I was loud at that age too. But it stops being “kids just being kids” when I hear and see too many stories of these “kids” mugging, shoplifting, stealing belongings from people minding their own business on the street. I never acted that way when I was a teen, and it’s people like you who excuse them when you should be holding them accountable.
AF: just a point. There was a study a few years ago that showed that all things being equal EXCEPT the color of their skin black/brown defendants were much more likey to be convicted of a crime buy either a jury or a judge AND given longer sentences for the exact same crimes committed by white defendants.
Everyone keeps talkin about ‘black culture’ as if it were readily and easily defined and every black person lived within it. Just like Africa is not a cow try black culture isn’t one homegenous thing in America. Not every black person likes rap and reggae, not every black person/youth is loud and shoplifts. Not every black person lives in the inner city. People would do well to look around and realize that just as the northeast, south, Midwest ect of america have different attitudes and ways so do black people. Not all of them have wide noses, big lips, big dicks or ‘popping booties’ so anyone discounting them in their ‘prefers white’ statements is sadly misinformed and yes the statement is based in a racist way of thinking. It does not make the person a racist on and of itself.
As a mixed race person
As a mixed race person on America who ‘looks’ one way but ‘acts’ another I get to see it all and none of it is pretty. Let go of the assumptions and treat people on how they act. You might be surprised.
Af, you contradict yourself. If everyone is allowed to comment, how can your next statement be true?
Also, why do you assume I don’t know of which I speak? Quite the opposite! I very well know of which I speak.
I also know Obama isn’t the first. But, he IS the worst.
af, please learn how to spell “Killed.” It’s not a Scottish garment of clothing. That would be a “Kilt.” Please help America end Illiteracy and learn how to spell.
Wow I’ve never been so offended by so many ignorant people at once. As a black person I can I never did drugs or shoplifted. All youth are loud and obnoxious. Fact blacks are more likely to be convicted of a crime than a white. Some of you been so sheltered and lived in such a closed community you cannot umderstand how others are. Jon you live in DC crime is everywhere.Thats not all blacks sir. You are on public transportation, people with lower income use it most likely they didn’t have the same opportunities as you and who is the most did enfranchised race, you guessed it blacks. race has members who negatively portray them. Ive been called a ” n” mulitple times by white people but i know its not all whites (get that jon). Also I went to a white school (high school and college) rap and raggae are advertised to whites. My white frat bros knew more about lil Wayne than I ever cared to know. I understand the preference thing because I do (white, Latino and middle eastern) but there are some racist people. Own it and get over it. Let’s grow as a community…& jon if this hasn’t opened your perspective I have no desire to meet you let alone mug you.
Seeing so much hate and false sense of gay community, I think it is safe to say that Iam not going to renew my manhunt membership. I know it does not mean alot to the manhunt revenue, but I decline to continue to support the “community” which is full of hate and “preferential order of races”.
Also I’m going to retire to visit this blog either; so long manhunt, but I don’t feel I belong to this community.
ps: It is not manhunt’s fault, but it is the attitude of manhunt members.
Wow.. all this over a lame youtube cat clip.
Everyone talks about how we all need to get along and treat everyone the same, yet we still categorize ourselves – gays, blacks, asians, punks, emo etc…. How are we meant to treat everyone the same when we all want to be treated differently? Everyone is so concerned with labeling people by race, gender, sexuality that we forget to look at people as just people other people.
We all bleed red no matter where we come from, who we screw or whatever our skin colour is
So… I used people one too many times in “we forget to look at people as just people other people.”
The real trick to eliminating much of the racism in the gay community is to stop telling everyone what colors and races we prefer our men to be. Newsflash: Nobody cares if you’re attracted to whites only. It is a dumb conversation, it is a dumb statement, and there are lots of better conversation topics than talking about if you like asians or not.
Nobody can control what we think and feel, but we can control what we SAY and DO, and this is something a lot of gay guy profiles at manhunt should learn.
Theodore, you said what I have been trying to figure out how to say. I agree 100%.
My pleasure, Tam. I’m glad you agree. There are enlightened people out there to balance out all the hate, I suppose. “Nobody can control what we think and feel, but we can control what we SAY.” is an abscure quote from an episode of The Jeffersons, season one. Tom Willis (white) said it to his wife Helen (black) after George challenged their interracial gut feelings towards each other. I’m going through a Norman Lear phase on netflix.com.
I love that people will make comments suggesting that you can’t generalize the black community, you only know what you see on TV, and then they continue to assert that they do, in fact, know everything about “white culture” from what they see on TV. Do you really think that all white people across the entirety of the country live in the same “culture” and more than black people do?
By the way, I have seen many black actors play characters on TV that were not drug dealers, I’ve seen many Latino people play characters other than hyper-sexual drunks, and many non-nerdy asians, as well. If that’s all you see, I suggest you stop watching such racist programming.
any* more than black people do
see? This is why you can’t trust a pussy.
I agree, Bill.
Lol @ Anthony.
Last posts were great…I wish I was as eloqent as you guys because that was what I was trying to say…you guys just renewed my faith in our community (I’m only 23)
´real spectacular.
I agree, Joe. They were, indeed, spectacular!