Anyone who’s anyone watched the MTV Video Music Awards, but if you somehow missed it for some inane reason, I’m here to tell you the important information you need to know. First off, Mother Monster destroyed her competition and silenced the haters with an epic, career-defining performance of her worldwide number one hit single “Applause”.
Though the show went downhill from there as far as I’m concerned, a few other popular musicians tried their best to deliver ARTPOP realness on the stage. The only person who truly failed was Shady Perry! Really, she should have jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge instead of performing by it.
– Gay Evan
Watch the performances from last night’s show below:
Mother Monster stuns with “Applause“:
Miley Cyrus twerks with sexy daddy Robin Thicke:
Kanye West performs “Blood On The Leaves”:
Justin Timberlake SLAYS it with a cameo by *NSYNC:
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis do it for the gays with a special guest:
Drake makes my hole tingle like crazy:
Bruno Mars wears a hat and sings about gorillas, I guess:
Katy Perry does a crappy cover of Sara Bareiles “Brave“:
Gaga had a failed cheap performance and these gushing reviews while she is in her downward spiral downfall are not gonna help any. She has too may yes people around her, somebody needs to tell her SHE IS GOING THE WRONG WAY!
she is fucking god. and i mean having sex with him, up his ass with her wearing a strap on.
Gaga is the most awesome thing that ever happened so fuck you and fuck your jealous sad ass 5by5 – do you seriously think a Faith quote from buffy makes you worth anything?? lol
gaga is just so so so above and beyond… nothing is close to her. worship!
robin thicke is hot too… love to ride him
I agree! The VMA show made the Grammys and CMAs and all the rest of them pale in comparison. The one part of the show that had me squirming in my chair and almost nauseous, however, was Miley Cyrus jumping around on stage rubbing her crotch with a microphone and a big foam finger and shoving her ass into Robin Thicke’s bulge. I actually like her last hit “We Can’t Stop” and her new one “Wrecking Ball,” but she is a disgusting little troll, and I cannot believe Liam Hemsworth would ever marry “that”! Also agree that Katy Perry’s show closer was a lot of production and no substance, and ever since I read that “Roar” is a rip-off of Sara Bareilles’ “Brave” and compared the two tracks myself, I’ve lost a lot of respect for Katy as an artist and writer. Most of today’s pop hits are creations of the producer anyway, and in so many cases, the lead vocalists are interchangeable. And I still think Bruno Mars is far and away the most talented individual in pop music today.
Oh Gay Evan, you’re so fun!

Seriously, though, that was one wild trip of a VMA
I’m sorry, was that what Miley Cyrus called “twerking?” Coz that was sad ass. (Ha! Get it?)
While I don’t think very highly of Lady Gaga, she is the only person I might call “talented” among this sad display.
The state of music…Good lord.
And I’m in my 20s so this shit should cater to me.
But maybe the demographic is now 8-16, it sure seems like it …
Ok i’m not a Katy Perry fan at all but i have to say she blew lady blah blah out of the water with what you call her epic, career-defining performance that we have all seen over and over and over again.I’ll stand my my comment that applause sucks more dicks then all the men on manhunt
Sorry, but Watching The Gaga performance I kept feeling like I was watching a Madonna performance. She’s not ground breaking, she’s not unique, and she’s not something new or fresh. It’s stuff that has been done before. She can sing, yes. She has talent, yes. But I’m kind of tired of seeing everyone act like she’s sooo original when she’s not. She’s a knock off. She’s like cheap processed food. There is no substance. For the most part the VMA’s fell flat for me. And while Justin Timberlake is full of himself, I will give him this. Boy held up with that performance that went on for ever. I imagine he probably passed out backstage after doing all that running around he did. lol!
Sara Bareiles and her fans should all be on their knees thanking Katy Perry. The song Brave could have been a completely overlooked single that no one heard of, but because of Katy it is getting some attention. The songs are nothing alike, but Sara’s fan club has utilized an effective marketing campaign to attach themselves to the huge success of Katy and her top selling single Roar.
Does Manhuntdaily have a Lady Gaga bias? I feel as though every article I read is about Gaga is overly positive and Katy Perry is being trashed. We have to admit Katy did a splendid job closing the show with Roar.