Well, what a crazy week THAT was… as those of you know who follow my blog, last Wednesday’s Bingo was a challenging night what with our scheduled charity, Heritage of Pride, canceling out just 90 minutes before we were to start an event that they had begged to be booked at months ago….and taking it’s confirmed guests, Dustin Lance Black and Cleve Jones along with it. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to advertise that Black and Jones would be there. What did HOP think I was going to do once they confirmed them? Make people guess who my guests were? Ridiculous.
A big apology to the young gays who showed up eager to meet their idol (Black), disappointed that Bingo was one of the only events that he was scheduled to be at that they could afford to go to. Making yourself the model for the young and then charging 20somethings (who typically, especially in this economy, don’t have a ton of disposable income) an arm and a leg to come and see you doesn’t make much sense to me.
I can agree with his blog..
Dustin made more than an “appearance” at NYC Gay Pride — he was co-grand marshall.
gorgeous movie
very sad
especially when he asked for water in the end