Personal Trainer Gains Weight to Identify with Clients

PJ James

If you had a perfectly toned body and a six-pack to die for, would you just give it up on a whim? That's what fitness trainer PJ James is doing, after an odd new year's resolution. He says his real motivation is to prove to his clients that losing weight is easy, and he plans to do so by the end of the year.

James has already gone from 185 lbs. to 217 lbs. since the beginning of the year.

The Daily Mail reports:

"'I was finding it difficult to relate to my overweight gym members
so I have decided to crank up my weight to experience life as an
overweight person,' said the 32-year-old, who trains at a gym in

After an inaugural meal of four doner kebabs, the
Australian trainer has stopped his daily routine of exercise and is
fattening himself up on a carbohydrate-heavy diet which includes pasta,
cream sauces and chocolate.

The former teetotaler now drinks a couple of beers every night to help gain weight. He hopes to hit 20stone [280 lbs.] by the end of March. He then aims to spend the following three months at the same weight, to show overweight people that it can be done. Finally, he plans to resume exercise so that he will be back to his former trim self by October."

This is not necessarily a risk-free stunt, as rapid weight gain can lead to heart problems and other ailments. What do you guys think of his idea?

– Andy

Photo Credit: Barcroft Media/Daily Mail

5 thoughts on “Personal Trainer Gains Weight to Identify with Clients

  1. He should really know those habits are addicting and he may not have as easy a time getting back to his regime afterwards!

  2. I think it’s pretty brave, and I totally commend him for wanting extra insight into the lives of his clients. Good for him!

  3. that sounds like a big undertaking, i could never purposely get fat for someone considering thats im afraid of being overweight but, good for him. I hope it works out

  4. Regardless of the amount of weight he puts on, he still has the mindset of his gymrat self. He may lose the weight (will lose the weight) respectively, but it’s simply a stunt. If he does reach one or more guys that are teetering on making the decision to lose weight, than I applaud him for the extreme measures he took.

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