Porn For The Blind!

Porn for the Blind is a non-profit organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts
which offers sexual stimuli for blind people over the internet. Created in
2005, it has become a fast-growing phenomenon, providing an otherwise
unavailable service for millions of people. The service operates through the
medium of a website,,
[CAUTION: link has sexual content] composed of links to mp3 sound clips of
pornographic content contributed by volunteers.

Since pornography is primarily designed for those with sight, there have been
few methods for the blind to enjoy this type of entertainment. At, a
‘translator’ will watch existing clips or videos and give a play-by-play of the
events. In order to maintain the feeling and mood, very descriptive
detail will be given to parts that enhance the mood, while other details, such
as curtain color or other unimportant items, will be left out.
This helps the listener follow the action and enjoy porn.

-Bumble Bee

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