Quickie: Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Where was I when everyone started jerking off to French model Arnaud Dehaynin? We received an e-mail from a Manhunt Daily reader who described him as “otter heaven”, going on to peg him as “a fuzzier Colby Melvin crossed with a younger, hotter Sam Trammell“.

I can almost guarantee Dehaynin will appear on next week’s edition of The Ten, but if anyone has any objections to his sheer perfection, then you should speak now or forever hold your peace… Anyone? ANYONE? Good! I’m glad we could all agree on this.

– Dewitt

Click through to see more of Arnaud Dehaynin:

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

Arnaud Dehaynin

3,087 thoughts on “Quickie: Arnaud Dehaynin

  1. Jeez, I’m the first to comment? Yes, otter heaven. Tits up high and long torso is a def perfect otter.

  2. HOLY HOTNESS!!!!!! Nice that he has upper body and chest hair and those eyes…that look!! DAMN!!!

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