While selecting pictures of Connor Kent for this post, there was a perpetual stirring in my jeans. He’s not some sculpted adonis like Roger Snipes or Josh Monrad. However, we’re not all into men who look like action figures. At six feet tall and 198 lbs, he’s got a thicker sort of muscular build. Some might even call him “beefy”. We’d use the same word to describe him, except we feel like we use it way too fucking much…
On top of that, Connor’s still a work in progress! The aspiring model and porn star lost over 130 lbs to overcome obesity, and he’s still moving forward to “buff up” and achieve his goals. But, um, can someone stop him from going too far with the working out? He’s already so absurdly handsome! Seriously, I’m tempted to track him down and start singing “Just The Way You Are”–either Billy Joel’s song or the crappy Bruno Mars version.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Ilona M. LaRue
To check out more pictures of Connor Kent, follow the JUMP:
A few shots by Manhunt Daily fave Jim Wilkinson:
You might like this snapshot of his dick…
And in case you’re wondering what else he’s into…
THIS GUY IS SO FREAKING HOT!!!!! that i had to type that i all caps!
why is he named after superboy?
HOLY FUCK! This has got to be like THE hottest dude on the planet w0000000000w!!!!!!!!!!!
He could actually pass for Conner Kent/Superboy. I could se him in that black ‘S’ shirt.
He should expect a legal summons from DC Comics in the next few weeks…
I think I will pass.
Hey Dewitte,
Thanks for adding some of the images I took of Conner (and his at-the-time BF).
I have to admit that the pics from that shoot were pretty steaming! They had some serious chemistry going on…
And in case anyone is curious, I have a new blog and a new site for my work that feature a multitude of happily nekkid men:
Cheers and Happy 2011!
I’m shocked and very flattered that Dewitte would write an article about me; I didn’t expect such interest in me or my career in Modeling and Adult work but I’m pleased! Thanks Dewitte!
I am a work in progress and have come far, just working on my six pack now then plan on applying to some bigger names in the industry. Currently working on my certification to become a personal trainer and should be done in the next 2 weeks….
Jim was a fantastic photographer to work with as well as all the other artists work you see here, besides the self snapshots.
Thanks, Connor
I’m shocked and very flattered that Dewitte would write an article about me; I didn’t expect such interest in me or my career in Modeling and Adult work but I’m pleased! Thanks Dewitte!
I am a work in progress and have come far, just working on my six pack now then plan on applying to some bigger names in the industry. Currently working on my certification to become a personal trainer and should be done in the next 2 weeks….
Jim was a fantastic photographer to work with as well as all the other artists work you see here, besides the self snapshots.
Thanks, Connor
Also if there are any photographers, artists or producers out there who would like to work with me feel free to visit my portfolio and contact me here…
Also if there are any photographers, artists or producers out there who would like to work with me feel free to visit my portfolio and contact me here…

you don’t need six pack abs….you are f’n hot just the way you are…..
you don’t need six pack abs….you are f’n hot just the way you are…..
Hey I just want to say congrats to you on losing 130 lbs! that’s amazing man. I lost 90 lbs a few years ago and it was the best thing i could’ve done for my health and of course my sex life! how’d you do it?
He got the eyes that makes me nude all the time. Those eyes melt me a butter! Mentioning the perfect nipple, gush! I love you, booooy…
Conner, you are PERFECTLY fine exactly as you are !!
As a matter of fact, you are DAMN fine the way way you are.
i realize i’m not gonna make friends for this… but, honestly, i just don’t see any appeal there
no offense to connor, but i don’t find him attractive at all
(shrug) — trying to be respectful and direct about it, not stir up usual shit-storm of complaining posts on here — just sayin’, weird to me that all the posts above like him… i don’t see it at all
Really hot! Don’t lose any weight please!
Pretty hot, but could use some fur.
Oh my! Yes yes yes! Dude, you are freaking hot just the way you are! We need more young, beefy (sorry Dewitt), teddy-bear types. A nice change from all the waxed Abercrombie boyz.
LOVE the photo of you in the black t-shirt and no pants. Your smile is adorable! Makes my heart melt! And can we talk about those thighs?!? Rawr! (Oh yeah, and I suppose the cock is…um…not bad either.)
hey JDressler… you can’t be attracted to every guy in the world. I’ve seen guys that are very good-looking, but wasn’t attracted to them at all.
Connor, your one very hot sexy young man
Hmmm, not a photographer, but I would take you out on a date!
Yum! what a stud! He has the PERFECT build!
I think there is a change coming around the bend. I know I have seen enough twink skeletons to last me a long while. Give me a MAN with some meat on him.
Does anyone remember the son from Nip/Tuck? That’s who Connor reminds me of, just of a healthier size, I approve whole-heartedly!
Hot Hot Hot!, especially the last photo. Conner is just fricking HOT!!!
Best of luck on the beginning of your new career. You are incredibly handsome. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the future.
Best of luck on the beginning of your new career. You are incredibly handsome. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the future.
LOL- I hope you know that’s a joke cuz it’s impossible to copywrite a ‘name’ any name in fact. You can copyright a ‘title’ like superboy but NOT a name.
Just FYI~
I really do appreciate all the compliments; and yes I am ‘beefy’… LOL… very muscular and very little pudge left (some of those pics are a little older, earlier on im my body building phase.) Now I’m much trimmer, cut but not lean- just a nice V-shape. It’s true what you have said, there is a change around the bend, no one wants to see the ‘skinny twinks’ anymore… guys want MEN, aggressive, dominant but with a kind heart and sweet smile to warm your heart. Smoldering good looks never hurt either! lol…
Is ok JDressler, I don’t take offense to it. But, don’t take offense to this when I say that you are NOT in the majority. Think about it, I wouldn’t have a modeling/acting/porn career/hobby if I wasn’t WIDELY received as not only ‘attractive’ but ‘hot & sexy’ as well. I’ve come along way in my training- now a personal trainer myself and I appreciate the recognition I get but true Idon’t expect EVERYONE to be onboard…. just simply not yOUR type.
and that’s OK!
In fact I am a HUGE DC comics fanatic!
and I do own that exact t-shirt… wore it today in fact to the gym… 
Wow! Such humility!
Good for him for making the changes in his life that he needed to lose the weight and being ballsey enough to pose for these shots.
He’s cute but, the bondage thing blew it for me (and, not in a good way)
he’s a hot potato (in my best mugatu voice)
Is ok man, I didn’t choose the pics for Dewitte to post, he chose them. And truthfully I’m a ‘model’ so that means I do what’s needed for the shoot, it’s part of the job description. Doesn’t mean I’m into whatever is being done…
You’d be a hit at IML! Ever been there?
I love his beefy bod! More guys like this, please!
Incredibly HOT!
Because He’s a comic fan. Notice the superman tattoo on His left arm? By the way, this dude has only continued to get hotter since three years ago. He has his own website where he Dominates boys and trains subs, plus he has a great, cocky Alpha Male blog with each video. Bound by Connor is his site
He’s on a men4rent.com website look him up and fuck him up… Call me(only men) let’s find this guy n his name is MORGAN SCOTT
My phone number is… 563-613-3378
His name is Morgan Scott… My phone number is…. 563-613-3378 view my picture n that’s me