Quickie: Daniel Garofali

Daniel Garofali has a new calendar on the way. It’s 12 months of him looking intensely hot, and 50% of the proceeds go to Kiva. His team was kind enough to send us some promo pics and a link to a teaser video. The pics are sexy as hell, but watch the video and tell me if you too didn’t have the urge to rip those curtains down or set them on fire. Teaser is right.

If you’ll recall, Mr. Garofali was kind (and forgiving) enough to answer some of our silly questions a couple of months back. He didn’t send the butthole pics that Dewitt wanted, but it was still a lovely gesture.

– J. Harvey

For more shots of Daniel, Follow the JUMP:

10 thoughts on “Quickie: Daniel Garofali

  1. Sorry, Picky, but calendar is the correct way to spell a recording of a period of time. To calender is to press cloth or paper.

  2. That’s the point he’s trying to make.  At 0:31 in the video, the text reads, “Making of the Calender”

  3. I know Daniel.  I had the pleasure of working with him and he is a beautiful man inside and out.  You should follow him on Twitter and Facebook for hot pics from exotic places.

  4. Hey there, Picky. One for you re the spelling, but a minus for your grammar.
    One should either say: “The spelling is WRONG.” or “It is spelt WRONGLY.”
    Sorry! Just being a bit picky!

  5. I like the vibe of the video–and the song.  And he is a lovely man.  But to misspell “calendar” (calender, in the vid) when you’re making a video about calendars.  Oh, sad.

  6. Well he is hot but I’m not sure I need to see him all month every month all year. That being said, if he does send the asshole shot, I would indeed need to see that.

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