Daniel Garofali is one of our fave rave male models. His striking face, perfect body, and down-to-earth personality (hey, it counts) make for the total package. He’s worked with photographer Kevin McDermott for multiple shoots, and kudos to Kevin because he’s got Daniel wearing very little. If Kev’s not gay, then he’s the most giving heterosexual man we’ve ever known about.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Kevin McDermott
For more pics of Garofali, Follow the JUMP:
What a gorgeous man!
what a beautiful man! really nice and so manly
Beautiful without looking pretty, very nice! I love his skin tone.
simply stunning
That close up head shot …. PHEW … stunning!
gorgeous boy!!
Wow perfect in every way
he has a BEAUTIFUL face! … well… and everything else too…. but omg that FACE!
A 4th of July Fire Cracker for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great body, but I’ve seen hundreds of guys with better faces.
OMG ! OMG !! OMG !!! I am speechless cannot think of anything else 2 say
If you are going to do a full frontal nude shot, why cover your dick? Even if it is small.
yummy yummm
Goodbye, Mr. Fitt!
Now THAT’S “10” material , right there!!! Love the pic witht he boots
omg he is friggin adorable
im pretty sure he used to be a dancer at stonewall in sydney
ah gostei do guy que está no site pena que não mostrou tudo mas sei que é bem pequena e linda ok bls
Holy fucking hot stuff. Quick! Get this man to The Ten. He’s got some vote grabbing to do there. YOWZER!
pretty pretty malegirl….yumm:-)
Top Ten Contender !
absolutely beautiful it takes a great photographer to bring out the best in a model…great work Kevin and Daniel look after your asset. Cheers Marcus
Well, dumbass, it isn’t a full frontal nude shot then, now is it? Jealous much?
I do not give to have a chest like that, am
contectura normal, I measure 1 meter tall tall with
mates with daniel, not only is he gorgeous but a great bloke, which makes him just the perfect man haha