Quickie: Geronimo Frias

You know you’ve made it when a photographer reads about how you’re trying to stop posting about one particular model (because a restraining order isn’t cute, or so Dewitt tells me) so he sends you pics he took of another! The talented Joseph Smileuske sent us some shots of ANOTHER of his sexy subjects – model Geronimo Frias. And I will indeed yell “Geronimo” as I plunge into his backside.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Joseph Smileuske

For more photos of Geronimo, Follow the JUMP:

388 thoughts on “Quickie: Geronimo Frias

  1. Some of you may recognize Geronimo from Cazwell’s “Ice Creamy Truck” video.  So handsome!

  2. hot!!!  extremely  hot!!!!    and Mr. Harvey  you   best be jumping after you scream  geronimo  because  I’m  cumming  right behind you!!!!!!      WOOF

  3. He was also chosen as a date for a Russian millionairess on the Bravo show Millionaire Match Maker.

  4. There needs to be a law that men that attractive have to be bisexual.  His beauty needs to be shared with everyone.

  5. He looks the best when he is smiling and dancing in his underwear. Saw that in Cazwell’ Ice Cream Truck Music Video.

  6. fairly hot, but especially considering its a fake name, WHO is called “geronimo”??? lol what a twat!

  7. As they say “A picture can say a thousand words” but these are simply incredible. Bringing his eyes, smile and personality to the forefront. I don’t need to say more since I’m a guy but DAMN!!!!! Handsome from head to toe is an understatement in it’s self, 😀 WOOOOOF maybe a better word,

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