Last February, we established that Isaiah Rojas has one of the most beautiful asses on the whole entire planet. This isn’t really up for debate. In fact, we’re sending him an official Manhunt Daily plaque with his title embossed on it… As soon as we find someone who’s willing to design us official Manhunt Daily plaques.
Until then, let’s just look at more pictures, okay? Isaiah was kind enough to send over some fresh images from his shoot with photographer Zoran Trifunovic. He’s donning a bit more of a hipster chic aesthetic, rocking a killer mohawk and an eclectic wardrobe. We dig it.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Zoran Trifunovic
To check out more pictures of Isaiah Rojas, follow the JUMP:
PS: Isaiah also informed us that he’ll be shooting with one of our favorite photographers.
amazing body — but can’t stand that awful expression he makes in every pic… ugh
He is too girly with a fucked up haircut. I’ll pass on this one.
Amazing guy – beautiful however, I will agree about the hair and at least one pic with a smile would have been good…regardless, I’d never throw him out of bed.
How is he too girly? He shaves his chest (probably for his job)? He wears bright colors that the photographer picked out(definitely for his job)? He has “feminine” poses that the photographer picked out (definitely for his job)? The photo shoot may be a little girly by your standards, but he’s all man. The penis confirms it.
Gorgeous body, beautiful face. Bet he has an amazing smile. I don’t mind the mo-hawk, but the best part is hair can be cut.
What a body!! And sadly, another butterface.
beautiful face??? Maybe my monitor is eff’d up. His eyes are WAY too far apart..makes him look like an alien or something.
Eh, he’s hitting my buttons. His eyes look just fine to me.
This guy is amazing. He has everything. A great body, a fantastic ass, a huge dick, and a beautiful face. He is definately a star. All I have to say is more, more, more!
This man is incredible!!!
Hot, yes!
Was hoping to get a clear look at what he is packing. Dammit.
HOT HOT fucker…i will take him…u girls can step aside…
Purrrfect bummmmm
What the hell is wrong with some of you? Ugly? This guy?! The first thing that caught my eye was his eyes… so gorgeous.
Don’t some of you bitchy jerks realize that it’s the photographer who puts the clothes on the models? They chose the clothing, haircuts, facial expressions. I’m fairly certain, that given the choice, that this super hot guy would have smiled in these photos.
Listen you guys, save some for me. I want some of him too…..
Can we ban the word “butterface” please. Such a douchey comment.
I have never agreed with you more! Sic em DAK23!
LOL; I agree, LuvManFurr.
Blessed blessed man!!! I say yes! Welcome to Hollywood!
A handsome guy all over, but he has on soooo much makeup, one cannot see the real him. I think the real him would be amasing, The heavy eye makeup is especially irritating, looks like Cleapatra . . . . or one of her slaves that carry her. This guy is great just the way he is . . .
Dak you R absolutely correct it is the photographer who selects the poses and clothes that the model wears and with that have been said I think the photographer should be FIRED ! because these photo’s do nothing 2 enhance Isaiah amazing feature like his eyes . ( Dylan Rosser photo’s are lot better ) and of course no enhancement required on his most finest ASSET which for those who have read my comments ( n the past ) should all ready know I am a TRUE TOP who would BLEEP the BLEEP out of his fine bodacious BLACK ASS !!!
OMG I think I just came In my pantz
oh! break me off a piece of that! he is totally hot!
his photos are wonderful but he is… beautiful… i like it
No, we can’t, but you can ignore my comment if you don’t like it.
I would love to ignore it but it’s popping up everywhere on here. It’s so rude. As you’ve said to others, why not post your pic on here and see if others are so “kind” to you…
call me crazy, but i don’t see nothing appealing on this guy
Why is everyone ragging on his eyes, i think they are his best feature, he is a handsome dude
Well he may have a good body but he looks so fucking miserable, the foto’s are great. Not the guy I’d go for but I just can’t get over his look it’s sheer boredom. Sorry but if i had to score him it would be 3.5 out of 10
Again he is a HOTT fucker…do him again n again n again..that ass is BUTT- sexy…damn eat it up!