Every now and then, we come across a “duh” guy. These men are so absurdly attractive, it’s questionable why they’ve never appeared on the pages of Manhunt Daily. In fact, there are some cases where it’s almost criminal that we’ve never shared a certain hunk’s pictures. And Nick Pesola is definitely one of those cases.
Aside from the fact that he’s beautiful, this New York-based model has a tendency to tease us with mouthwatering shots of his bulge and delicious bubble butt. At this point, he might as well just whip it out and stick it in us, because our imagination’s already filled in the blanks!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: David Arnot
To check out more pictures of Nick Pesola, follow the JUMP:
Wow! And it looks big too! Tasty fat head. Mmm!
he’s human, right? he is sooo out of this world beautiful!
Did he wet himself in the 5th from the bottom?
I like that he’s handsome without being ‘pretty’.
He’s attractive, nothing awe inspiring.
A very hott and sexxxy man…another one I wouldn’t let outta bed…YUM!!!!!
daddycentaur, you and your constant, “wouldnt let outta bed” comments, the real question is, could you get any of these hot dudes to GET in bed with you to begin with, lol!
bring something fresh man….
Not my type, too hard-bodied, but he definitely gets points for being tattoo-free. So few of those left.
That is THE pefrsction of ASSNESS! (Does it show I am an assman…LOL)
I am so amazed how you morons fall in love with computer generated and photo shopped pics…try crawling out of your basements and experience the real world dudes…damn you people are pathetic
There are only two ways I could land him in my bed…1) if he fell from the sky… or 2) Santa…
I’m so screwed!
tt Just reading your comments tells me that U R a very PATHETIC LOOKING TROLL !! where crawling out a basement would consider a step up 4 U !!! Might I add U cannot spell pathetic without tt … ASSHOLE !!!!
While they are certainly staged and most likely retouched, the underlying model is still drop dead gorgeous! Would so love to see the rest … sigh. But this would only be icing … want an intelligent, articulate, interesting man first and foremost. But would love to be out looking into his eyes, conversing knowing what lies beneath those clothes once we get behind closed doors … now that’s a fantasy!
Not my type – why are all guys nowadays, so mean looking, and shiny smooth within an inch of their life? You sort of get the impression that if he smiled, the skin might split!
Oh BTW Willks I do not know if he wet himself ( 5Th pix from the bottom ) but that 2ND pix ( from the bottom ) sure has me WETTING mine . The thought of FUCKING that rock hard MUSCULAR ass while pinching those those all so suckable nipples has got all of my MANLY juices flowing 2 ENJOYABLE combustion

He is certainly one hot looking guy!
The opening photo grabbed me and it just got better from there.DeWitt hit a “live” one this time….
What a hot guy.
he is too good to be true,looks like he is up his own arse.
I hope he’s gonna be in the top 10 next week!! He gets my vote for sure!!
Airbrushed / smairbrushed.. Shut up you naggy old queens! I wasn’t aware we came to this site to debate whether a picture was airbrushed or not. We are admiring a man who, airbrushed or NOT, is a beautiful man! Get OVER the airbrushed shtick! It’s grown old enough to die!
tt, …. eh…. who cares…
I agree with hh9999. Grabbed me from the first photo and only got better! WOW!!!
And, he’s got an awesome ass, too !
alguno de ustedes sera mi novio?
jose: No. No vamos a ser tu novio!
Who cares if a photo has a little airbrushing. The guy is georgeous, and aren’t we all looking for a little suspended belief anyway. I never cease to be amazed by how physically beautiful some people in our world can be. Let’s just enjoy it & be thankful for a moment away from our own lives.
SO well said, bleuskyy!!! Bravo!!!
wow, what an amazing ass!
very cute
I’d take that 4 breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper & a snack 2 go, have & 2 hold…lol!!!
Dear lord…he is stunning.
He is awesome…cute, sexy and that ASS…OMG, OMFG…I crave him…want him…make him my boi…
OMG!! Sexy!! I definately drooling.