Quickie: Philipe Borges

Philipe Borges is the newest exquisite specimen hailing from South America.

It’s starting to look like Brazil is more of a world-power than we previously thought. Why? Because my previous theory that there’s a hidden genetics facility down in the jungles of the Amazon that keeps churning out hot  models was obviously correct. How does one country have so many hot people? Perhaps it’s the heat. Or maybe they put something in the water during Carnival. Because this guy’s from Brazil, and this guy, and this guy. Hopeful the Brazilians won’t get ambitious and decide to take over other countries. They could send their inordinate number of gorgeous male models to conquer the world. And they will succeed! Because hot people usually get what they want.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Rock My Blog

For more photos of Philipe, Follow the JUMP:

8 thoughts on “Quickie: Philipe Borges

  1. Brazilian men are so hot. I made out with a Caucasian Brazilian with green eyes once. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I plan to visit Brazil on day because Brazil is a diverse country like the U.S. with hot attractive men.  Brazil has the largest black population in the world, excluding the continent of Africa.

  2. It’s the racial intersecting in that country that makes the population (men and women) so beautiful

  3. Remember the Sci-fi movie,  “The “Boys from Brazil” ? lol

    Now, here’s the REAL MEN from Brazil !   

    Mucho mejor !  😉

  4. could I please have a long weekend with him that will leave a big smile on his pretty face?

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