Initially, I hesitated about posting Remi Alade-Chester‘s pictures today. After all, it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday that’s very close to my own heart. I don’t want people to think we’re posting some random “token black dude” just to celebrate the occasion, because that’s not the case at all.
Quite honestly, Remi caught our eye last Friday, when we got a glimpse of his amazing smile. If we were ever hanging out with him in person, we’d just keep telling him hilarious jokes in the hopes that he’d laugh a whole lot. And then we’d probably jizz in our pants. Because that is seriously the hottest smile ever.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Richard Pier Petit
To check out more photos of Remi Alade-Chester, follow the JUMP:
Click for larger view.
I for one do enjoy the benefits of dark chocolate!
I just dont know but for some reason black men dont interest me sexually, i just like to look at them for a an art form and apreciate their beauty, but it never translates sexually kinda like with women, weird but fact. anyways hope no one takes it offensive. happy MLK day.
I just dont know but for some reason black men dont interest me sexually, i just like to look at them for a an art form and apreciate their beauty, but it never translates sexually kinda like with women, weird but fact. anyways hope no one takes it offensive. happy MLK day.
now that’s a beautiful man.
Wow, just a physically beautiful human being! LOVE the picture of him in the Emporio Armani underwear. Jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
I understand what you mean. For whatever reason, we’re just not physically attracted to certain types or kinds of people. We can tell they’re gorgeous, but aren’t turned on by them through no fault of their own.
i’m a black guy that isn’t typically attracted to other black guys… but this guy is gorgeous!
why is it that whenever there’s a post about a black guy his race always gets picked up in the comments? SMH he is beautiful!
he got that right on the pick with the coins…. a million pennies for my thoughts lol
he’s perfection…
BOTH of you need not post your racist views here (and YES they are RACIST views)!!! Just shut up and keep it to yourself….Who cares if you don’t find someone sexual appealing or not, because of the color of there skin!
You don’t see “Men of color” commenting on how pasty white some of the white guys are in some of these photo shoots and how un-sexy they look…You can’t change the way someone was born …you fools!
It may be MLK day but we still got a long way to go in the gay community…It makes me very sad to be a white gay man…what a shame.
I was thinking the same thing. I really like that shot. And that smile! Mmm mm MMM!
Flawless skin. I want to touch it. =]
mmm he yummy. his belly button weirds me out though
The man is hot, the guys turned off by black men, that’s okay it’s their choice, but in this day and age it is so ignorant, I’m sure the ones that are against them are older men who were raised in the south or in a racist family, cause anyone has ever been with a man of color would say nothing but good things about the experience
Singing So Beautifullll!
As a “minority” (am portuguese, chinese, hawaiian), I do not find the comments by javier and bodyrocker offensive one bit. If you read the comment by bodyrocker, topmanonly, he does appreciate the male form regardless of color. Is it racist if we fail to sleep with every color of the rainbow? Don’t think so. In a culture where the ideal male is objectified to the nth degree, who is to say what type of men we should sleep with? People who mistake preference as being racist are as equally ignorant. As for Manhunt, there are those who post negative comments here on all races; against black, asian, hispanic and wow, even white men. Indifference, no matter how interpreted, will always exist. And carniassada, not every experience with a man of color comes with a stamp of approval by default.
Interesting, my cousin lives in Hawai’i… He, too is Portuguese and Chinese (but the last is Polish). Of course I also agree with you. I don’t find very tall men a major turn on, but if he were pretty, then yeah. Does that make me a ‘heightist’? Of course not. Just to write that one is not typically attracted to a particular person doesn’t make them racist.
/ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Show Spelled[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
None, NONE of the comments above fit this definition. It’s just attraction, not a feeling of superiority. Cripes, if you don’t fond someone attractive, that’s just human nature. Besides, a Black dude already wrote he wasn’t into other Black dudes… what’s he, then?
Get off your high horses people.
I feel the same way. I KNOW this guy is freaking hot but it just doesn’t do anything for me in a sexual sense. I didn’t realize it till you mentioned it but it’s the same way with women. I know when one is very good looking but it doesn’t arouse me.
Good example of ignorance within the gay community. Thanks for demonstrating.
There is nothing prejudicial (the correct term…racism implies there is more than one race) about their comments. It actually is a preference. Expressing their preferences on a blog’s comment section specifically provided to speak about opinions is our prerogative.
We do have a long way to go especially when the gay community seems to be its own worst enemy. People condemning others based only on their expression of preferences. Quite shallow.
On the other hand, I’m so glad that there are two people who can look at the issue and see its root cause to counter the misinformed opinions of others.
Maybe we don’t have that far to go. Kudos! =)
Yeah….I hardly think I’m racist. I find men of all colors and races attractive. I’ve slept with men of all different races. That’s why I’m gay. I like dick.
What I was simply stating is that for one reason or another, not every man finds every other race of man attractive. In the same way I can see a woman and think she’s stunningly beautiful, but have absolutely no sexual desire for her, I can see some men (NOT all) of any given race and not want to sleep with them.
Personally, I find Mr. Alade-Chester VERY attractive. He turns me on. Do all Black men? No. Do all Latino men? No. That’s all Bodyrocker and I were trying to say.
I had to re-read this to make sure I read it right….and sadly, I did. So essentially, everyone has to be attracted to Black men, who are always a good time in the sack, or they’re racist? THAT’S ignorant, not to mention it reduces Black men to a stereotype of purely sexual beings. Good Lord.
It’s not racist. We (gay/bi men in GENERAL) can find men of a certain type attractive, but not be sexually attracted to them. If you’d read through what bodyrocker and I said, we didn’t say he was unattractive. And further, I DID say below that I found him absolutely stunning (and I’d totally sleep with him, just FYI).
Not to mention the Black man above who said HE wasn’t usually attracted to his own race, but found this guy hot. Is he a reverse-racist?
Seriously…get over yourself.
It’s not racist. We (gay/bi men in GENERAL) can find men of a certain type attractive, but not be sexually attracted to them. If you’d read through what bodyrocker and I said, we didn’t say he was unattractive. And further, I DID say below that I found him absolutely stunning (and I’d totally sleep with him, just FYI).
Not to mention the Black man above who said HE wasn’t usually attracted to his own race, but found this guy hot. Is he a reverse-racist?
Seriously…get over yourself.
I just hate how extreme some people have taken politically correct points to. suddenly if I dont care to sleep with a black male am racist?! its stupid so than i should be getting heat from overweight people because I dont sleep with them?!
I respect all kinds of people i’ve never ruled out the posibility of adopting a kid from Africa one day, to all of you that criticize, I probably know ten times more about african cultures (from the african continent) because I have passion to learn of the struggles that african people have gone trough.
please guys stop the pathetic politically correct extremes because its pathetic. It makes YOU look ignorant.
ohhh you sound like you know exactly how many black, asian and hispanic friends you have lol…omg you’re not racist you adopted a child from africa to show that good for you! i understand you have a preference but when you say it the wrong way it changes everything, i have a preference and thats all types of men, that’s me but when you make someone feel inferior, unattractive don’t you think that would come across as something not exactly worded correctly?
whatever there is no point to this here in this country Politically correct points have gone to far.
There are always interesting comments whenever a man of color, particularly a black or Asian man is posted on Manhunt Daily. I cannot say whether Javier or Bodyrocker are racist; it’s difficult to know that based upon their comments, not to say there aren’t issues of race in the gay community. I think it fair to say that if you aren’t attracted to men in a particular racial group…the question is why is that? Bodyrocker says for “some reason”…well what is that reason? I raise that question rhetorically for all of us to answer for ourselves. I am not attracted to most overweight men, but i know that reason: too much body fat turns me off. But if you raise the specter of race in your lack of attraction to someone, knowing that certain physical traits go along with race, is it the kinky hair, the broader nose, fuller lips, darker skin that doesn’t turn you on. Or do you associate certain personality or intellectual characteristics to race…thuggish, less educated, likes rap music, etc. No….. everyone doesn’t need to be and shouldn’t be attracted to everyone else, but i think if you take a moment to think about why we aren’t attracted to certain groups we might find some interesting answers. Because the truth is if you find this guy, who is black to be attractive, you’re attracted to black men, but what you may be doing is creating an “exception” in your mind. He’s over ridden those reasons you’re typically not attracted to black men, so in reality you are attracted to some black men. And so what one typically says when they have created an exception is something along the lines of “I’m not typically attracted to black men, but he’s hot”! I’m a black man, and I’ve had this said to my face and i don’t find it complimentary at all, and conveying one’s attraction or lack thereof in this way is not necessarily racist but it can be taken as offensive and my response usually is well sorry I’m typically not attracted to men who aren’t attracted to black men. Its offensive because when you choose to tie your attraction or lack of attraction to someone’s race……”I’m not normally attracted to black men, but he’s hot”; instead of simply saying “he’s hot or he’s not hot” the conversation becomes about race because you’ve tied your attraction to race. For me, it’s not about being politically correct it’s about being nice to other people in your community I could care less if you wanted to sleep with me or any other black man, but do you really want to go around phrasing things in a way that might be offensive to some people? Sorry for the long post!
There are always interesting comments whenever a man of color, particularly a black or Asian man is posted on Manhunt Daily. I cannot say whether Javier or Bodyrocker are racist; it’s difficult to know that based upon their comments, not to say there aren’t issues of race in the gay community. I think it fair to say that if you aren’t attracted to men in a particular racial group…the question is why is that? Bodyrocker says for “some reason”…well what is that reason? I raise that question rhetorically for all of us to answer for ourselves. I am not attracted to most overweight men, but i know that reason: too much body fat turns me off. But if you raise the specter of race in your lack of attraction to someone, knowing that certain physical traits go along with race, is it the kinky hair, the broader nose, fuller lips, darker skin that doesn’t turn you on. Or do you associate certain personality or intellectual characteristics to race…thuggish, less educated, likes rap music, etc. No….. everyone doesn’t need to be and shouldn’t be attracted to everyone else, but i think if you take a moment to think about why we aren’t attracted to certain groups we might find some interesting answers. Because the truth is if you find this guy, who is black to be attractive, you’re attracted to black men, but what you may be doing is creating an “exception” in your mind. He’s over ridden those reasons you’re typically not attracted to black men, so in reality you are attracted to some black men. And so what one typically says when they have created an exception is something along the lines of “I’m not typically attracted to black men, but he’s hot”! I’m a black man, and I’ve had this said to my face and i don’t find it complimentary at all, and conveying one’s attraction or lack thereof in this way is not necessarily racist but it can be taken as offensive and my response usually is well sorry I’m typically not attracted to men who aren’t attracted to black men. Its offensive because when you choose to tie your attraction or lack of attraction to someone’s race……”I’m not normally attracted to black men, but he’s hot”; instead of simply saying “he’s hot or he’s not hot” the conversation becomes about race because you’ve tied your attraction to race. For me, it’s not about being politically correct it’s about being nice to other people in your community I could care less if you wanted to sleep with me or any other black man, but do you really want to go around phrasing things in a way that might be offensive to some people? Sorry for the long post!
Looooooove. His belly button. xD It’s huge, and an outtie.
I’m not attracted to you because you don’t know how to use the enter key.
I kid. I wish you had, though. What you wrote was the most incredibly accurate and insightful posts I’ve seen on MH in a while. I have a feeling most people will just brush over it after seeing the wall of text, though. =(
While I honestly appreciate the (mostly) intelligent discussion we are having here, I am going to drag this thread into the gutter by bringing up how insanely ridiculously hot that picture is of him wet, running through the surf, with his little Speedos falling off!
Please tell me they are making a Baywatch: France or Baywatch: Africa (going off his name). Alade-Chester is the gay man’s Pamela Anderson. HOT!
I’m mixed race (Jamaican/Cree/French, more Jamaican though) and I don’t find some black guys attractive at all.. BUT I am really attracted to mixed race guys like myself. Its weird.
I do not find anything they said above racist at all.. Because I don’t find Asian men attractive at all. I work with a lot of Asians and we get along just fine. I just wouldn’t prefer one in bed.
This man is pure perfection in every way possible!!!
That smile! That bod! Perfect smooth skin!! Whoohaaa!!!
i know why is his race always a factor? he is goodlooking and that is that, anything else is uncivil and uncouth.
Anytime someone goes out of their way to write comments such as “I’m not attracted to black men” on these posts featuring black models, it makes me wonder two things: 1. why did you comment on the post then? For myself, I only post on guys on here that I find attractive. It seems really pointless to do otherwise.
2. Why did you think it was essential to indicate his race as the primary reason why you’re not attracted to him? And then attaching the disclaimer that you’re not racist doesn’t negate from the point that you pointed it out, when him being black really has nothing to do (or should have nothing to do) if he’s good looking and/or a good model or not. And then you get defensive when someone calls you out, when you created a situation that would allow for such arguments to happen in the first place.
Anytime someone points out race as reasoning for why they like or dislike a person, it causes concerns and questiions for a lot of people as to why you feel that way. So don’t be alarmed and defensive when people call you out on an opinion that you really never needed to give at all.
In reply to your thread, no, I’m not racist. That would mean that I think one race is better than another, which I don’t. I love and appreciate all mankind equally. What’s funny is that if this gentleman was white, this wouldn’t be a discussion. I don’t find all white men attractive. For instance: Jake Gyllenhaal. I know TONS of gay/bi men and straight women think he’s totally hot. I can appreciate that and think he’s a good looking man, but have no sexual desire to sleep with him. Do I suddenly hate white people now?
All I was trying to state was the fact that I can understand that some men aren’t attracted to other races, though I didn’t go so far as to point out why: Maybe they aren’t turned on by African or Asian or Caucasian physical features, or body types, etc. I can certainly appreciate the way you take a deeper look at it, though. When I see a hot guy, he’s a hot guy, regardless of what color his skin is, or what race he is.
And finally, I certainly don’t go around TRYING to phrase things in a way that will be offensive to people, but I also won’t pussyfoot around the issue and constantly watch myself and worry about being politically correct every second of every day.
If someone isn’t attracted to a man of any particular race, he shouldn’t have to go into a long explanation of why just to make sure no one’s offended by what he says.
SOOOO I am confused?
I am assuming since you don’t prefer “Black,” that it is safe to assume that you are not attracted to anyone darker (some may say inferior) than yourselves? So you guys would not be attracted to Latinos, Asians, Islanders etc… right?
I wouldn’t be so quick to call anyone a racist blatantly. But the fact that you took time out of your “busy” day to comment on a person that you are not seemingly attracted to (and pointed that out in detail) seems very shallow.
As for the Black male not being attracted to Black men, that is a whole other story that goes deeper than his skin color.
As I tell my neices and nephews, “If you have nothing positive to say, than say nothing at all.”
I didn’t find the “preference” views offensive at all. I’m white with just touch of African and Native American from very long ago. My preference is Black and Hispanic men. This guy is near total perfection as far as I’m concerned. I’m really not into white guys at all. Racist? No, not at all, just a “preference”!!!
The problem I have when someone says “I’m not attracted to Black men” is that it makes no sense.
It implies that all Black men are exactly alike, indistinguishable from one another.
If you lined up 5 Black men they could look, act, smell, speak, BE dramatically different from one another. From darkest skinned to practically pale. From twinky to Muscle Daddy. From working class Thug to Harvard Professor. Femmy Top to Burly Bottom.
There are Black men that fit into every category of how men can be or look or act (other than ethnicity and race)
So since there isn’t one physical, mental, emotional or other characteristic that applies to all Black men, it must be merely the fact that they are “Black” (racially ethnically) that folks aren’t attracted to (not anything in particular about a specific man’s looks or personality).
That generic not being attracted to any man who is “Black” is racist.
Do me a favor and also tell your nieces to not look at the world through rose-tinted glasses. =)
We all expressed our POSITIVE feelings about his figure and all-around good looks while also expressing that it doesn’t sexually arouse us.
Attraction implies aesthetics. We would only be looking at ‘looks’ (possibly speech and smell if in-person). Is it really hard to believe that some men aren’t attracted to dark skin after all the nitpicking that goes on in MH Blog?
You’re welcome to click on any number of blog entries where the subject of the post is a male model and seeks to discuss that male’s physical features. You will see the same thing in almost every one of them.
Do we need to have an anthropological/anatomical discussion about this too?
that is a gorgeous man…perfection, smile, body, skin…wow!!
Good lord…so much drama in here. It’s seems like we’re all just looking for a fight.
hot hot hot! and the penny pic is awesome!
I think saying “I’m not attracted to dark skin” is VERY different than saying “I’m not attracted to Black men”.
That was my point.
I’m not attracted to Blonds, Afros, Blue Eyes, short men, etc are all about physical characteristics (though of course what we find attractive is influenced by cultural standards of beauty).
“Black men” is not a physical characteristic. It is an ethnic and racial category. That is why folks get offended. It denies the diversity within Black identity.
It also plays into the history of Blacks (and other non-white ethnic/racial groups) be seen as homogeneous.
Wentworth Miller, Lenny Kravitz and Shemar Moore are all Black men (by what is traditionally see as ethnically and racially Black in the US). Yet they are completely different physical and aesthetic types.
I could play semantics with you and infer black is a color of the skin…but I won’t. Point taken and I agree: it is much different to say I prefer x tone of skin over y ethnicity.
Oh my hell…if you look a few posts below my inital response, you’ll notice that I said Mr. Alade-Chester was gorgeous. I think he’s extremely attractive and I would totally sleep with him. I ‘ve slept with Black men, Asian men, White men, Latino men, Polynesian men…if a man is good looking and sexy I couldn’t care less what color his skin is or what race he is. Read everything I have to say before making a judgement about me.
Not to mention that I was raised in the West, in a multi-ethnic household accepting of all skin colors, and am only in my early thirties. For all the talk about racism and stereotypes, you sure helped perpetuate a bunch of them right there.
Not to mention that I was raised in the West, in a multi-ethnic household accepting of all skin colors, and am only in my early thirties. For all the talk about racism and stereotypes, you sure helped perpetuate a bunch of them right there.
I really think it’s a mental defect. I mean I see sexy guys in every race, skin color is just that. Probably something in you guy’s subconscious.
Such a shame. As if people don’t discriminate against you all enough, you discriminate against yourself.
Yeah that must be it. I think you’re on to something. Let’s step back a few decades and place this thing on the DSM list along with being gay.
Yeah that must be it. I think you’re on to something. Let’s step back a few decades and place this thing on the DSM list along with being gay.
Thank you, you made my point much more succinctly than I.
Obviously you don’t get my point. So if you gave me a bouquet of beautiful flowers but I made an irreverent comment regarding how much I don’t like the daffodils in it then it pretty much ruins the whole point… Yes you were both giving him POSITIVE compliments but it kinda ruins the idea if you end it with a negative response.
You may not have meant it intentionally but your comment had a negative connotation to it regardless of how you look at it, that is why you got the immediate “racist” comments. If you don’t see that than you are alot ignorant than I had initially assumed.
and Rob FYI, if you look through rose tinted glasses than you only see pleasantries NEVER negatives and definitely nothing in between. So why don’t you go down to your nearest pic-n-save and buy a few
Very well said! I too am a black male and I have too gotten the responses such as “you are so cute for a black guy” and I do NOT at all find it complimentary. I think situations like this takes for a person to actually take a step back and thinking about these things they say without reserve for who it may offend. They eventually realize that they see something in themselves that they do not like and are not ready to face. I don’t necessarily think they are racist but like I said before there was a negative connotation in the comments regardless of how they see it.
I prefer my reality to contain both the negative and positive. =) Those who refuse to look at the negative don’t get very far in life.
I wonder if they sell brainwash next to mouthwash now days…that would just be easier for your niece.
Rob I’ll just let you have your say, the more I respond to you, the more I feel I am getting dumber.
what a gorgeous man.
and as for all the crap you people are talking, you should really be ashamed!
The US has a pretty shabby reputation regarding race relations, and it seems that your poofs are no better than the norm..
im a white hearing impaired music addict who also has a black boyfriend who is ten years older i love kissing him and holding him in my arms whenever i can he such a sweetheart it sux we cant show affection in public without thinking about getting bashed and this has nothing to do with anything besides being homosexual in a largely bigotted heterosexual world and thats all there is to it.
the issue is not many commentators will go out their way to comment about not being into white guys.