Things are getting wet for Renato Gabriel‘s new spread for Junior Mag. And this is the part where we’re supposed to make some sort of awkward reference to the “wetness” in our pants, right? To imply that we’re pre-cumming all over ourselves in the presence of all this Brazilian hotness? Well, we’re not going to take it there, because that would be tacky. Even if it’s kind of true.
Renato’s equipped with a lean and muscular build (complete with a six pack), along with a pair of muscular legs that we’d love to have wrapped around us. We’re pretty fond of those last three shots in the white boxers. They bring to mind cheesy porn dialogue like, “Can we throw those in the dryer to you?” And then we’d have sex. On the dryer. With all the vibrations. Mmmmm. Now that’s a sweet fantasy!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Paschoal Rodriguez
To check out more of Renato Gabriel, follow the JUMP:
Click for larger view.
I don’t give a fuck!!! unless he was geting wet by gold shower l0L
What a joy and delight hi is :-)………………..
Sexy guy there.
Pense que no leian los comentarios pero ya veo que si, saludos Renato.
Yeah, the abs are nice, but I’m just not feeling it otherwise.
I agree. He’s decent but nothing’s too exciting about him.
Well the main picture is pretty interesting and well done…and then it kinda falls flat. He’s sexy and all but the pics are kinda boring.
i give him massive props for his abs…. other than that…. blah. why is it that all the “cut” guys now are downsizing their arms? its just unsettling to see all this massive definition on the torso… and have two little sticks hanging from your shoulders…
Hombre Hermoso!
Hermoso Hombre
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