There are some guys that you just want to take home to your mother. Mostly so you can brag to your mother that you’re dating an extraordinarily beautiful man. Thaddaeus Paull would definitely fall into that category. He’s no muscle god by any means, but he’s working the guy-next-door charm like nobody’s business.
Although I’d normally call him adorable, there are extremely dirty thoughts in my head which prevent me from doing so. Most of them are inspired by the slightly awkward pose in the last picture of this post. Um, can someone please get some shots of this boy’s booty?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Bill McClaren Photo
To check out more pictures of Thaddaeus Paull, follow the JUMP:
to me this is perfection, not some gym living muscle stud. damn I am in love!
That last picture took away the little amount of attraction I had for him.
agreed with above, kinda too pretty and pouty! haha
maybe works for some im sure, just not me.
The first photo after the “jump” was the best one…handsome more masculine looking face in that one…but overall, definitely a hot find…
LMAO @ Randal, did the same for me! That “Hey, gurl!” pose doesn’t work. But he is pretty.
Thaddaeus can put his hoes under mmy bed any time, preferrably for the rest of my life. Anybody that would reject an almost completely perfect person because of one pose a photographer chose to shoot, needs to be shot!
You can’t have him, he’s mine!!!
what a pretty girl.
He is very sexy looking to me. If he came around me I would bed him in a heart beat
I was thinking he was totally cute… then I got to the last picture *cringe*
I agree about the last pic but really, not his fault, it’s the damned photographer.
if we’re being bitchy queens, then the pic with the white patent leather belt – WTF
but the pic after that one, b&w jeans …. hot!
first couple he looked good with the 10’oclock shadow – didnt like the manscaped pits and then he turns into a chick with dick later on in the pictures – STILL GORGEOUS
p.s. his manager needs to make sure the last shot doesnt get posting…..what was he thinking?
He’s WAYYY too fat… Look at those love handles!!
TOTALLY hot–except for that last pic. Some model management intern somewhere needs to shred that. Looks a little like the guy from Swimfan.
Firetruck underoos are adorable. Also quite disturbing when you think about it.
Yeah…the white leather belt…on a SWIMSUIT, the over-manicured armpit hair and yes, that last pose… all make for a very pretty (and possibly flamboyant) friend I’d take home to mom, but not one I’d date.
ugggh, fuck him and his perfection!
July 21, 2010 at 5:26 pm
He’s WAYYY too fat… Look at those love handles!!
WTF are you talking about. If anything he could benefit from a cheeseburger or 12. I like my men with a little meat on their bones, not a lot of bones.
muy hermoso!!! me encanta que ojos
Im cracking up at the guys turned off by his last pose or his belt. Give me a fuckin break he’s perfection…And like you would have a chance.
Can think of a good few uses for that belt once I’d tore his briefs off!
(if there’s someone who could benefit from “a cheeseburger or 12,” it would be this guy…
…old thaddy’s not quite anemic. . . . .)
(if there’s someone who could benefit from “a cheeseburger or 12,” it would be this guy…
…old thaddy’s not quite anemic. . . . .)
my comment about the belt was completely tongue in cheek and poking fun at the bitches that usually post negative shit on here
OMFG! I’d take that over a muscle stud any day!
If he’s got brains and personality to match his rather stunning looks, then he’d have me at “hello”. If he’s an arrogant little prick, then he could just move on…
I’m REALLY hoping he’s not arrogant…
want to lick that babybois sweet pits…suck his cock dry…dammmin
Fuckin hot as hell. Would love to take off those underwear
Good looking sexxxy guy…last pic, stupid pose…i’d do him.
he’s hot, but his pit hair looks very coiffed
LOL would like to pull him across my lap in his underroos and spank his (imagined) perfect butt with the white patent leather belt…until he begged daddy to kiss it and make it all better…LOL!
if they’er not photo shopped to hell he has gorgeous eyes and a set of hot cocksucker lips!
I also like the fact that he’s not super super steroid buff… But yes, that last picture… No lol.
He’s hot though.
I am a model too. How can I be featured on manhunt daily post?
Dark Efron?
Would love to have sex with this guy.
This young man is beautiful but I would agree that a couple of the pictures ( ginch & last one ) well the photographer should be fired !