HELP! I am captivated and downright hypnotized by the sight of a man’s bulge encased in a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs, so I am literally incapable of telling you whether male model Vince Sant is or isn’t attractive… Can you assist me in rising about my dick’s lust for tighty whities? Otherwise, how will your fellow readers possibly know whether to masturbate to these pictures or skip over this entire post?
If you believe in the sexiness of Vince Sant, leave a comment on this post, click the “Like” or “Tweet” buttons at the bottom, and whack your dicks really fast like they did in that Mary Martin stage production of Peter Pan… Wait, they didn’t do that in the version you watched? I must have grabbed the wrong VHS when I was a kid.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Christian Rios
Check out additional pics of Vince Sant below:
Meh… I’ve seen women with more masculine attitude than this cute lil’ boy, i prefer simple manly men with fur on their chest instead of a pretending guy without a single hair on his ass and whose biggest modeling asset is posing like a disney princess…. just my opinion…
…keep your opinion to yourself next time.
He is HOT!
I guess you’re more of an expert on the Disney princess milieu than I am, but for curiosity’s sake, in which film does the princess stand around in white briefs flexing her chest and showing off her package?
Very handsome, I’m a sucker for brown eyes
Hot sexy man…luv the bod, the look and the cock bulge in the tighty whities
my next husband
Dear sweet Jesus…that last picture! HOLY HOTNESS!
Now now…all opinions are welcome here. Just remember that type of judgment tells more about Seriously than it does about Vince.
Nice Those nips need attention like my teeth nipping on them for hours while he is tied to the bed
He’s amazing.
From an artistic standpoint, love the photographer’s use of the fading sunlight!