By now you've probably heard that OxiClean and Orange Glo infomercial king Billy Mays passed away this weekend after a rough airplane landing led to some luggage hitting his head. Though Mays survived the incident, his wife later discovered his dead body in their home.
Personally, I'll miss his woofy presence and crazy voice churning out that trademark phrase–"Hi, Billy Mays here!" His death is even more sad because he seemed entirely fine after the accident, having told reporters, "All of a sudden as we hit you know it was just the hardest hit, all the things from the ceiling started dropping. It hit me on the head, but I got a hard head."
– Dewitt
amazing how you didn’t reference TMZ even though we all know where it came from that quote
Just sharing the latest. According to coroners’ reports there was no sign of head trauma – internal or external – in Mays’ autopsy. Cause of death appears to be heart disease, though toxicology and blood reports will take several weeks to return.
This according to LA Times:,0,3463271.story
I was rather enjoying his reality show on Discovery too.
Sounds like a “Dead Like Me” death.
If it true getting hit on the head and dead.
Never liked the guy actually.
When he talked seemed like he yelled.
I love him. Oxy-Clean totally works too.